Diagon Alley

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Small recap

Hagrid took his pink umbrella, and tapped the brick wall. The bricks start to shift, and form a doorway into another street.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley."


In front of me was the strangest sight I had ever seen. Shops of all sorts stood on either side of a cobblestone road, with a huge, strange-looking white building at the end. The shops included everything from brooms, to snacks, to animals.

We walking into the street full of witch's and wizards, a pleasant bustle about them. "Here's where you get your quills and ink," Hargrid pointed out, "And over there, all your bits and bobs for doing your wizardry."

We looked around in awe as we allied along the street. We saw some kids raving about the new broomstick in the window as we walked. I could see Harry's eye on it.

"But, Hagrid," Harry started, "how are we to pay for all this?" "We haven't any money," I finished. "Well there's your money," Hargrid explained, pointing to the huge white building at the end of the street.

The gold words etched into the white marble front read, "Gringotts Bank". "Ain't no safer place. Not one," Hagrid told us, "Except perhaps Hogwarts."

We walked into the building to find a long aisle with huge desks on either side. In them sat these weird creatures who were clearly hard at work. Hanging from the tall ceiling were several crystal chandeliers with cobwebs encasing them.

"Uh, Hagrid..." Harry slowly asked as we walked down the aisle to the desk that sat at the end, "What exactly are these things?"

"They're goblins, Harry," Hagrid explained, "Clever as they come, goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stay close, you two." We both moved closer him.

Hagrid cleared his throat to catch the goblin's attention. He looked up to Hagrid. "Mr. Harry Potter and Ms. Y/n Potter wish to make a withdrawal," Hagrid told the goblin.

"Ohh," The goblin said, leaning over the desk to look at us. "And does Mr. and Ms. Potter have their key?" Hagrid rummaged around in his overcoat.

"Got it here somewhere." The goblin sat back down as Hagrid pulled out a small golden key. "Ha! There's the little devil."

He placed the key on the desk. "Oh, and there's something else as well," he said, pulling out an envelope from his overcoat, "Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-which."

I looked at Harry confused. Why was Hagrid all of a sudden being so secretive? Harry just shrugged as a goblin led us to this odd mine cart.

The cart took us into this huge cave with many vaults, stopping at "Vault 687," as the goblin told us. Hagrid handed the goblin the lamp and we climbed out of the mine cart.

We walked to the vault door, and Hagrid gave the goblin the key. He put it into the lock and opened the door to Harry and I's vault. Our jaws dropped at the amount of gold we saw.

"Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothin, now did you?" Hagrid asked us. We grabbed as much as we could carry, and then Hagrid brought us to another vault.

"Vault 713," the goblin told us. We walked up to the vault door and instead of using a key, the goblin ran his finger along the door, unlocking it.

The door opened, and instead of huge mounds of gold, a single, small bag sat in the center of the vault. Hagrid walked in and grabbed it, putting it in his coat.

"Best not to mention this to anyone," Hagrid told us. We nodded, and he brought us back up to Diagon Alley.

We went into several stores, gathering all our school supplies using the money we had gotten from our vault. "We still need...a wand," Harry said. "A wand?" Hagrid said, "Well, you want Ollivander's. There ain't no place better. Why don't you two run along there and wait? I just got one more thing I got to do."

We walked into the shop filled with boxes shoved messily on the floor-to-ceiling shelves. "Hello?" I called quietly. "Hello?" I said a little louder.

A man slid on a ladder into view, causing us to jump. A man with white hair, and small stubble. "I wondered when I'd be seeing you here, Potters," the man said.

"It seems only yesterday that you're mother and father were in here buying their first wands," he said pulling out two dusty boxes from a shelf.

He opened them, and gave them to us. "Here we are," he said. We just held them, confused. "Well, give it a wave," he told us. Harry did first, and it made several boxes fly from a shelf. He put it down quickly.

I waved mine, and a vase broke. "No, no, definitely not," he said as I placed mine on the desk as well. He went up to find another wand for each of us, coming down looking interested.

He came back to us, hanging us the wands.

(Your wand^)

It was clear these wands were the right ones when it seemed the wind picked up and the lights flickered slightly.

"Curious," he said, "Very curious." "S-Sorry, but what's curious?" Harry asked. "I remember every wand I've ever sold," he explained, taking the wands from us, "It so happens that the Phoenix whose tail feathers resides in these two wands, gave another feather. Only one other feather. It is curious that you two should be destined for these wands, when they're brother gave you those scars," he gestured to Harry's scar on his forehead and mine on my neck that I often hide with my hair.

"And who owned that wand?" I asked. "Oh, we do not speak his name," he explained, "The wand chooses the wizard, Ms. Potter. It's not always clear why, but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from both of you."

"After all," he continued, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible...yes, but great." He handed our wands back and walked to the back of the shop again.

Tapping on the window, was Hagrid. "Harry! Y/n!" He was holding two owls in cages. One as white as snow and the other gray like a thunder cloud.

"Happy Birthday!" Hagrid said as an explanation of the owls. Harry and I turned to each other smiling. "I call the gray one," I told him.

John 1:12

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