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Warning: Pirates speech may be hard to understand since I've written it differently and with many apostrophes. If you have any trouble with understanding or reading, please feel free to comment and I can translate it to normal.

The waves were rough, as was the floor of the brig. Yang Jeongin blinked open his eyes, feeling nauseous. The world was blotchy and he flailed around before the world turned black again.

When he woke, he was in a bed. A decent, yet rocking bed. He sat up in a fright.

Was it all some odd dream?

Then he came face to face with Han Jisung - he screamed.

Jisung lunged forwards, covering Jeongin's mouth.

"Don't scream. You're going to make me deaf."

He removed his hand from Jeongin's mouth and he screamed again.

This time the door was flung open and Jeongin saw the pirate who had kidnapped him, causing him to scream at a more shrill pitch.

He was toppled out of the hammock as Jisung wrestled with him as Jeongin shrieked profanities.

"Shut up, Jeonginnie," Jisung yelled as more pirates filled the room, receiving a punch to the stomach.

They were pulled off each other, and a pirate shoved a cloth into Jeongin's mouth, silencing him to the point of muffled curses.

"Who knew a Prince could curse?" A man who Jeongin assumed to be the Captain chuckled.

Jeongin glared with hatred at the pale man as he was made to kneel with a shove.

"Welcome to the District Nine, Your 'ighness." He mockingly bowed, eliciting laughs from the other pirates.

Jeongin found Jisung's eyes and glared.

"Now, come on. Ya brother don't deserve tha' look. He got ya to be taken ou' of the brig."

Jeongin paid no mind.

"Bring 'im to my chambers and tie 'im down, will ya? I'll question 'im there."

Jeongin was dragged to his feet, and while he fought, he was no match to the combined strength of three pirates who were anything but weak.

He was tied up. His wrists hurting. Then the cloth was adjusted so it was securely tied between his mouth. He struggled, kicking and fighting, but the pirates were skilled with experience and paid no mind to the wounds he inflicted upon them mercilessly.

When the Captain calmly strolled in, Jeongin was fuming.

"Now, now, Prince. Calm yer'self down." His tone was mocking. Provoking.

"Take the gag off. If 'e screams, we can just choke 'im."

Jeongin wondered whether he was joking or not, but he didn't want to test that theory.

They untied the gag, Jeongin glaring with dark and intimidating eyes that slightly unsettled the Captain, not that he showed it.

The younger spat at him.

"Oho!" The Captain crooned.

"Aren't ya a cute 'un?" He pinched Jeongin's cheeks like one might do a child and Jeongin shook his head wildly.

"I'm Bang Chan. Cap'ain Bang to you and everyone else. Cap'ain of this beau'y." He pointed proudly at the floorboards, though Jeongin assumed he was talking about the ship.

Jeongin continued to glare.

"Now then, you'll coopera'e."

"And if I don't?"

Overboard | A HyunJeongMin story | Stray Kids Where stories live. Discover now