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I open my eyes, and gasp. Echoes fill the dark room...I'm feeling pressure on my ankles...oh no, not again.
The sound of metal hits the floor, shackles...
"Hello?" There was nothing but silence, it terrified me more, the room was dark. The only light I saw was the one in the nearby window. It illuminated only half the room, but the rest was pure darkness.

I stand, but quickly regret it, as pain filled my legs....there scratched?
"Hello? Anyone?....Atem?"
Again, silence rained upon me. I felt anxious, how long have I been here?
I was only left with my thoughts, as they grew louder, I started to panic.
"Hello? Please let me out? Help?"
I whisper, still nothing.

I look outside, I can see the sun from the window. I take a closer look, it appears to be 5:30 am.
I'm scared, I could hear my own breathing, as it stated to pick up the pace.
"Hello? PLEASE! what's...WHATS GOING ON?"
"Can you shut up?" I heard a man. I shoot my head up, to see a man....with a whip...

"Honestly, I bought you for a reason.."
"....your not going to.."
"Ew, god no, your beautiful, yes, but I'm not like that."
"....why am I here?"
"You were sold, anyways, I'm pretty upset with how you woke me up..."

"....let me teach you a lesson..."
The man walks closer to me, unlocking what seems to be a cell door. He gets closer raising his whip, I jump out of the way as fast as possible. The healing Atem gave me was handy,and the advice he told me when we went for dinner was helpful. Dodge dodge
"Stay still!"
The room was only so small, I was finally struck.
"You know, I was planning to go easy on ya, but you messed up..."
No...not again
help someone...

The shackles prevented me from moving, the scars that have finally been repaired have appeared again. I was beaten without hesitation. Each strike opened up an old wound, or a new one. "STOP!" I yell, it's no use...until..
I turn my head to see another was the pregnant woman, and her child was born!
"What did you say? I'll come get you-"
I grab him by the ankle, I won't let him hurt a mother in front of a child.

He did as he was told, each strike caused me to cough up a few ounces of blood, my vision was becoming so blurry, I couldn't even see the light of the window....
"Hehe, that's enough, for now. The man said, he helped me up, and dragged me by the hair. I still have a little bit of human in me, so I ask.
"Who sold me?"

"....Lord Atem, your upset huh? He's just as bad as you..."
Atem sold me?......I was shocked....I thought he....
"He said he didn't want you anymore, you were just a burden"
"Believe what you want baby girl, but it's the truth."

He said that with a straight face......I can't believe it?....I was a burden...we're all those memories lies?....I fell in love, but I was heartbroken in seconds. The only thing love is good for is pain, it always hurts you at the end.
After those words....I don't know what happiness is anymore.
The man could tell that my face was drained from its color.

"Well don't worry, maybe you will get a better owner, your being bought right now."
I put my head down, I nod, and continue walking. There was no point, I was born to die. I don't care anymore, no pain can compare to this, not even the wounds on my back, my legs, arms, neck, face....non could compare...
"Welp, we are out! That's your owner over there...uh oh...sorry to tell you but...he has a grey cloak.....sorry...."
"Great cloak?"
"Hopefully you ain't a virgin, it could be a little better, Welp see you!" The man said happily making his way off.

"Hello there...damn your ra..."

Atem's POV
1 day earlier

I ran as fast as I could go. It's great knowing that y/n is only a few rooms away. I opened the door, slamming it, and saw....nothing...she wasn't there...
I yell out. My voice echoes through the room, no response...
"GIVE HER BACK!" I yell. Still nothing.

(Atem x Reader) Can a pharaoh love a slave?(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now