Gorram Miscreants

397 13 2

It all started with a bang.

The bang as Alliance boats fired on her outer hull.

Groaning as the primary buffer panel let go without so much as a zaijian.

Inara's voice over the comm bowing out to the roar of fire on metal as the ruttin' purplebellies barged on board without so much as a by your leave.

A bang.

And Wash was on his feet, running for Zoe. Little Kaylee, bolting for the engine room, yellin' for Simon, River close behind her as the Alliance tried to claim their gorram prize.

Gunfire as she listed.

Blaster bolts and she keened.

A ruttin' bang and she fell into atmo without a sound, goin' out in a blaze she was too young for, and there weren't nothin' he could do but watch them go down.


Wincing at the repetitive thump drawing him from unconsciousness, he blinked blearily, a fog descending over his vision as he put his hand to the stained tile, stupidly trying to focus.

"Someone's at the door."

Coughing wetly, he scrubbed a hand over his bloodied face; trying to sit up, a string of muttered oaths escaping as the pain in his head screamed at him to lay back down.


Vision growing clearer, he narrowed his eyes; taking stock of their refuge as he fought a wave of nausea, trying to remember what the hell happened.

Office supplies.

Tables and chairs.

All piled against a set of double doors while something, or someone tried to beat their way in from the other side.

"/Zoe/. Son of a go tsao de, you carry me here? I'm talkin' to you."

Climbing awkwardly to his feet, large hand pressed against ribs he was certain were broken, he swayed, beligerent gaze locked on his Second; blinking at her posture. He knew that stance. Feet spread, capable hands too tight around the grip of her rifle.


Hell, afraid.

Blood running cold at the look on Zoe's face, he looked towards the barricade she'd constructed; blanching as it started to give way.

"Oh god..."

A grasping, pierced hand sliding through the ever widening gap between the doors, and he had Zoe by the shoulder, forcibly pulling her backwards, turning her towards the stairwell, one word coming out in an authoritative roar.


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