Chapter 1

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I ran across the empty street. The darkness filling the empty void of cement.

My breath hitched as my lungs were scrunching up and grasping for air as I ran. The moon barely illuminating the dark path ahead of me.

The footsteps seemed to be getting louder behind me.

I heard a mumble of a low voice, not audible to my brain in the rush. They were getting to close for comfort.

I decided to book it and take a right turn down a small ally towards the main Street.

The alley had its advantages because a big brolic man like the one behind me couldn't fit very well with the narrow walls.

I hit the main Street and went for the building that seemed like it would have the most people.

It was a hotel called the the 'Silver Chalice'. The building had a silver vibe to it with other colors distributed throughout.

I stumbled across the slightly lit street, trying my best not to fall. But ending up falling and skinning my knees anyway.

The hot blood drizzled down my knee, almost burning the skin.

I flinched at the sensation but stood back up and hobbled across the other half of the street.

The spinning doors almost welcoming me.

I decided to run as fast as I could through the lobby. The crowd of people wierded out by the slightly below average hieght girl running through the crowd.

It might have seemed stupid at the time but the elevator seemed like an obvious choice, so I decided to book it up the stairs.

Only going up to the second floor to be as close to an exit as possible.

Once I hit the last set of stairs I moved through the hall of the second floor, fumbling with the door handles to see which one would be the lucky one that would open.

I went around all of the doors until I hit the third hall. I twisted the handle and it quietly clicked open.

"Yes!", I shouted quietly "Lucky number 208."

The door slowly slid open making almost to no noise at all. I slid in to the room and quietly let the door click shut behind me.

There didn't seem to be any noise coming from the hotel room. Once five minutes had passed of no sound, I creeped down the opening hallway. A small light from the left seemed to be on. A frontroom area? I could see the corner of a dark couch, I moved closer.

To my surprise I see a beautiful man sitting on the couch. He sees me and almost screams.

"W-what!?" The light flickered off his braces. "Who are yo-"

I felt his voice fading out as gray fuzz blurred my vision. It seemed almost as if I were in slow motion, falling to the floor as the gray fuzz turned to black.

*Sorry it is so short. It is almost 5 am for me so I hope you understand. And if you are a fan then you know who that baby boy is~*

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