Do You Regret It? Part 5

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Present time


The room still felt tense, Bucky now stood in front of (Y/N) intently staring at her face although she was looking to the ground. Today started like any normal day for him, he woke up at 6 am and went straight to his work out with Steve, then he went back to his room to take a shower by now it would have been 9 am, finally Bucky decided that he wanted some breakfast as he was walking to the kitchen he heard (Y/N) and Natasha having a conversation; at first he wasn't trying to eavesdrop but as soon as he heard (Y/N) say she loved someone he had to make his presence clear and that when it all went wrong. She crumbled in front of him "I hate you for giving up on me." He wanted to tell her that she could call him all the names under the sun he was just happy that she was talking to him all be it in a negative way, "but I still love you despite everything you put me through' he was frozen, unable to move, to form a word, a decent sentence that could make her stay there with him but of course he did nothing and she ran away from him. Again.

Later on that day Bucky sat in his room the conversation with (Y/N) still replaying in his head if he said something maybe things would have been different although the last time he "said something" it ended his entire relationship. Deep in thought, Bucky didn't even hear the small knock coming from his door, only when it opened and the bright light of the hallway illuminated the room did he care to look up, Bucky was meet with crystal (E/C) eyes slightly red from tears. The discussion between the two took a different turn than what he thought it would, Bucky assumed that (Y/N) came back to scream at him again but instead she apologised.

She trembled as she closed the door, the room once again being enclosed by the darkness of night. She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her hair was in a messy bun, Bucky looked at the girl with fondness in his eyes and a soft smile gracing his lips. (Y/N) looked at everything other than himself, a pained expression crossed Bucky's face at the realisation, Bucky was too deep in thought to focus on trying to form a sentence."Steve told me to talk to you, said something about leaving grudges in the past or whatever" however Bucky could pick up the hesitation in her voice. (Y/N) finally looked into his desperate eyes "I'm sorry about what happened in the kitchen earlier, it's just Nat was asking about the...the you know-"

"Breakup" it was the first time she heard him speak, even if just a word, since the kitchen incident "yeah, yeah the breakup" she whispered. "I...she kept asking all these questions and it was just all too much for me I guess, then you came in and I couldn't hold it back anymore." He watched her intently as she stumbled over her words clearly trying to plan what she was going to say. He couldn't bear to see her struggle anymore and finally took over "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have barged in like that. I heard you and Nat talking and as soon as you said you loved somebody I just..i just...i didn't want to lose you"

"Bucky I'm not yours to lose" (Y/N) sat down next to him on the bed he leaned on his hands, pushing his hair out of his face. "I know, I know. But I just couldn't get the image of you with some other guy out of my head, I don't want you to know how much better you could have it" she placed her hand on Bucky's thigh. "Bucky" she whispered "Don't (Y/N) I ruined it for you, the whole relationship and dating thing. I'm sorry I could have done so much better" he looked down towards the floor in despair.

"I'm sorry?" (Y/N) said rather offended it only just occurred to Bucky what he said, he instantly shot up startling (Y/N) "No I didn't mean it like that! I meant I could have treated you better I swear" he panicked waving his hands everywhere frantically. "you treated me perfectly Bucky you didn't need to change if anything it was me who needed to change considering you broke up with me" (Y/N) glanced to the ground finding the carpet particularly interesting. "I didn't want to" spoke Bucky, (Y/N) looked up to Bucky only to find him already gazing at her. she looked confused "Wha-what do you mean?"

"I did it because I was scared, scared that one day you would wake up and realise you could be with someone so, so much better than me. It frightened me to death knowing you could leave any day" he sighed "I remember talking to Steve about it, he said it was a terrible idea but I wouldn't listen I was too focused on-" he let out a small laugh "I was too focused on protecting you from harm, even though in the end I was the one to hurt you"(Y/N) listened and took in what Bucky was saying, she couldn't believe it Bucky didn't want to end things but he thought he was doing the best thing for her. "James Buchanan Barnes you are an absolute asshole" she laughed, Bucky loved hearing her laugh it was like an angel singing. "You really thought that dumping my ass was going to make me happy, are you crazy?"

"Crazy for you" he whispered.

(Y/N) looked into his eyes, there was a certain sparkle she saw when they were dating. (Y/N) began to lean in as did Bucky, their lips connected in a chaste kiss Bucky pulled away and smiled "God I missed that" (Y/N) laughed "me too".

The two talked some more before cuddling up to each other in Bucky's bed when morning came they both arrived in the kitchen "What's that dopey look for" asked Tony. Simultaneously they raised their interjoined hands and laughed at the faces the rest of the Avengers made. They tried to live a happy relationship that they could, being in the Avengers compound and all, the only rule to their new relationship was trusting one and another to do the RIGHT thing and for Bucky not to be a quick-minded asshole.

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