Chapter 11: The Letter

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Athena's P.O.V:
The wolf tackles me to the ground and my sword falls out of my hand. I kick the creature off of me and look for my sword. "Athena! Behind you!" Edmund yells. I turn around and see the wolf charging at me. I move my hand and the wolf goes flying in the air and hits the wall, causing the wolf to blackout. I grab my sword and stab the haired creature in the stomach. It was too chaotic and I couldn't focus. My body started to tense up and my hearing became less clear. All I could hear was mumbling. My sight became blurry and I could only see figures of people fighting, they looked like silhouettes. Then I hear a loud sound. That sound made me see and hear again. I shook my head to wake myself up and I noticed the ice broke. "I know. You had it sorted, " Edmund said and walked away. I looked around in confusing wondering what had happened. Lucy and Susan were in the room. "Since when did you com-" 'Full moon. When the night of the full moon comes, Queen Athena will die. Sacrificing her soul for Narnia and her beloved friends.' "Athena?" I looked at Susan and left.
"Full moon. The full moon. But that's tomorrow night. The night of the full moon is tomorrow night." I walked around back and forth in my tent. I was so frustrated and didn't know what to do. "Do I tell them or keep this to myself? I mean they have the right to know but in my premonition, Miraz said 'Sacrificing her soul for Narnia and her beloved friends' so the only reason why I'm going to die is because of sacrifice. Like Aslan? He sacrificed himself for Edmund. But I'm sacrificing myself for Narnia and the Pevensie's." I tugged on my hair, stressed and not knowing what the right thing to do is. I stomp out of my tent and start walking to the nearest forest. I sit against a tree and brought my head down, "Ugh... I should've brought a pen and a notebook." I start to feel weird and I see a bright light from the corner of my eye. I look down at the ground and see the notebook and pen I had back in Finchley. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped, "How did I get a new power?" I smiled to myself and grabbed the two items. I opened to a page. "Perhaps I could write letters and act like I'm writing to the Pevensie's. I'm sure that would make the whole situation better. Although, I'm not actually going to give the letters to the Pevensie's." I started to write.

Dear Pevensie's, Caspian, and Narnia,
We've been through a lot this past journey in Narnia. I had a premonition the night we went to the Telmarines camp to steal some of their weapons. The girl we thought was our innocent is actually me. I know it's hard to believe but I'm the girl who is going to die. I've decided that I should take the risk and sacrifice myself for our people and the lot of you. I've never actually quite had the courage to tell you, Edmund, but I've always fancied you. I've always loved you with all my heart but I know you never felt the same. I dreamt of being with you one day and marrying you, heck, even having children with you but that was all in my head and now I'm back in reality. I think it's best I go. I've been wanting this for a while too. I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't even care. I mean you hate me. Even if we were on good terms... You would hate me no matter what. But none of this is your fault, nor is it the Narnians and your siblings... It's mine. I'm sorry for ruining your dreams. I've ruined everyone's dreams, even my own. But I also want to thank you for teaching me that it's okay to make mistakes because we always learn from them. Thank you to Peter, Susan, and Lucy for always believing me even when I couldn't believe in myself. Thank you, Caspian for helping Narnia become strong again. And thank you to all Narnians who have fought and who have died, you will always be honored and remembered. I may be dead when you read this but I just wanted you to the know the truth, I want everyone to know the truth. I'm sorry I've kept this from you all but it was for the best. Farewell, my loves. Love, Athena <3.

I ripped the paper out of the notebook and a tear dropped on top of it. I closed my eyes and more tears streamed across my face. I folded the paper and tucked it back in the notebook. I grab everything and get up. I dust myself off a left the forest, making my way back to the camp.
"Where's Athena?" Edmund asked Peter who was sitting on a chair. "Perhaps she's still sleeping." Edmund rolled his eyes, "She must have stayed up longer than I thought." Edmund walked to my tent and opened the door of the tent. "Oh! Edmund?" I smiled. He walked into my room and sat on a chair beside me. "So what are you up to?" I shrugged my shoulders, "Not much. Although I have a question?" Edmund looked at me, "And what may that be." I looked into Edmund's eyes and forced a smile, "To sword fight and hopefully not get into a silly argument with you." He laughed at my response," Okay then." We sat there in silence until he broke it, "Okay, well what are you waiting for?" "Oh!" I grabbed my sword and put my sword belt on.
"Haha. I win again!" Edmund bragged. "I'm going to win the next one, " I said confidently. "You've been saying that every time and yet I've won every single round." "What?! Not true, " I scoff. "Now you're just lying to yourself." "Alright, Pevensie, let's see what you got in store this time." Both of our swords cling against each other. I try to get Edmund's leg but he blocked my sword right away. I finally thought of an idea where I could beat Edmund. "Hey Ed, I think Peter is taking your torch." Edmund's eyes shot up and he turned around immediately. I circle my sword around Edmund's and it falls out of his hand. "Hey! That's not fair!" I covered my mouth before I started to bawl of laughter, "Well, you did teach me to never get distracted, yet you just got distracted." Edmund rolled his eyes, "Fine. You won this round, Rosa."
I was told to give Edmund a chart of things he had to do the following days. "Ed." I opened his tent to see Edmund asleep. "Oh my gosh. Is he really asleep?" I shook him until he woke up. "What?!" I jumped and shot straight to the air, "Here." Edmund grabbed the paper out of my hands and grabbed his torch that was next to him to give him light, "Feed the horses? But Susan always does that." I shook my head, "Tomorrow she has to extra training so she won't be able to do it." He looked at me and a smile crept on his face, "Can you do it for me?" "No! That's your work and plus I have to do my things too." He rolled his eyes and his smile faded, "Ugh you're so lazy." "Me? Lazy? You're the one who doesn't want to do their work." He got up and sat in a chair. 'QUEEN ATHENA, THE WISE, WILL DIE TONIGHT. AS FOR TOLD IN THE PROPHECY, THE GIRL OF THE WISE WILL DIE UNDER THE STARS OF THE FULL MOON AND FOR SHE WILL MEET HER DEATH!' "What did you see?" My eyes widen before I could leave I felt Edmund get ahold of my wrist, "Athena, what did you see." My eyes pleaded for help but he didn't notice. "I'm sorry, Ed." After that, I ran out of the tent.
I looked up at the night sky and had a feeling of dread. "UGH!" I kicked the tree that was in front of me but regretted after, "That was not the best idea." I walked back and forth in a pattern and thought. I thought of how the Pevensie's would react. How Narnia would react. Or would Aslan save me? Then I heard crackling from only a distance. "MY PREMONITION! I SAW AND HEARD EVERYTHING. A PROPHECY YOU SAID! 'FOR SHE WILL MEET HER DEATH' I BELIEVE ARE YOUR EXACT WORDS, MIRAZ! FIRST CASPIAN'S FATHER AND NOW ME? WHO'S NEXT, YOUR WIFE?" I saw a figure and heard someone unsheathe their sword. "Ah, yes. I believe you are stood to be correct. See though. I'm not sure you know the whole reason why." He came into the light and I saw the evil in his eyes. "I'm the most powerful out of all the Kings and Queens. It would be easier to execute me and then kill the rest of Narnia. I have the capability to kill you, but Miraz, that's not true. You see, I'm not sure if you ever read books about Narnia, but we have another king and he is far more powerful than I am. But then we also have the other two sons of Adam and the two other daughters of Eve. Oh, and we also have your nephew on our side. I understand you have more soldiers than us but we have one thing that you don't have." He glared at me, "And what shall that be?" "Trust." Miraz walked behind me and cut my leg with his sword, "AHH!" I fell to the ground on my knees. "But we have stronger men, Queen Athena." "Ha. But do you really think strength can defeat the power of trust? And love." 'I'm surprised you're even doing this, your Majesty, " He smirked. "I'm only doing this to keep my friends and the rest of Narnia safe, " I sternly said. "I hope he finds the letters, " I mumble. "What are your last words, my Queen." I glared at him, "I just hope that you're defeated, you're never going to take over Narnia, Miraz." He took a quick glance at his sword and then looked at me, "Well then." His sword went through me. He took it out after a few and I collapsed on the ground motionless. My breathing became lighter each second and then my vision became blurry. It was difficult to keep my eyes open. After what seemed like minutes I had given up and I closed my eyes. My body stopped and I was lying on the ground. I took one more breath and then I was gone.
Edmund's P.O.V:
"Athena! You really need to learn how to stop running off. It's getting pretty old!" The light of my torch hit the door of Athena's tent. I walked into Athena's stay but saw nothing. I examined it a little bit until my eye caught a notebook. "I've never seen you before." I grabbed the book and a piece of paper fell out of it. "Huh?" I unfold the paper a noticed it was a letter. "Dear Pevensie's, Caspian, and Narnia." I read out loud. I read the whole letter until I finished. I dashed out of the tent and made my way to the woods. Honestly, anyone would probably assassinate someone in the woods since it is such a private area. "ATHENA!" I looked everywhere until I saw something. I point my flashlight at the thing and it was a body but it wasn't any ordinary body, it was Athena's. "NO!" I ran up to it and held her in my arms, "How could you do this?" I cried and buried my face into her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I should've been there with you when you needed me. I was scared and mad. But the thing I was scared of the most was losing you and now I have. And you died thinking I hated you but no, it's the opposite. I love you so much, Athena Morrez Rosa. I may not have shown it but it was there. I fell in love with you the first time we met. It was like I was looking at beauty itself. But the reason why I didn't talk to you and the way I acted towards you was not only because I was upset but because I was scared to tell you how I really felt. I was scared you were going to leave me just like how you left the first time. I'm sorry for everything. It should've been me, not you." I sobbed out. I rocked back and forth as I cried on her shoulder. "This is all my fault, " I whispered. I picked her body up and walked back to the camp.
I go inside the tomb where everyone was at. Lucy turned around and gasped, "ATHENA!" I fell to the ground and cried my eyes out. Peter, Susan, Caspian, Trumpkin, and the of the Narnians turned around. Lucy hugged Athena's body while both of us cried. The look in Peter's eye was indescribable. Both Susan and Peter's eyes started watering up. It didn't take Susan long to start sobbing. Reepicheep covered his mouth with his paw and hurried over to Lucy and I. "Who would dare do this?" Reepicheep asked. I looked at Caspian and his eyes widen as he slowly started to realize, "My uncle."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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