A Little De Ja Vu

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Chapter 4:

I turned to Nat. "You have A LOT of explaining to do..."

She looked at me and started cracking up. I stomped my foot and balled up my fists angrily. "SO. EXPLAIN." Nat was screaming with laughter, holding her stomach.

"TELL ME NAT!" Ruth walked in. "Jesus, Stone. why are you screaming at 11 PM?! SOME OF US WERE TRYING TO SLEEP?"

"Well, Ruth, Nat here is kind of keeping the biggest secret ever from us-"

Nat cut me off. "Ill explain in the morning. Go to bed..."

The next morning, I woke up around 9. Ruth was still out like a light, and Nat decided to disappear before she was forced to speak to me. I grabbed my purse, slipped on my skinny jeans, a black tee, and some red TOMS, and walked down to Starbucks. I walked in and smiled, as I saw May was the barista for this shift.

"Double shifts?" I asked sympathetically.

" Yep. I never know what my crazy schedule is going to be..."

"Well, at least I get to see a familiar face!" We smiled.

"would you like to hang out after my shift? Maybe I can show you around, meet your sister and your cousin? I know Ive known you for like, 12 hours, but I feel like we've been friends for the longest time..."

I smiled. "Im glad to hear that! I feel completely the same, and I think that would be awesome?"

" Well, back to my job. What would you like?"

"Ill take a venti coffee, cream and lots of sugar. 3 shots of expresso, and a banana nut muffin."

"3 shots? Well, then..." She laughed.

"Hey, jet lag here! Stoney needs her caffine..."

She made my coffee and gave me my muffin, and we chatted a little more. The door rang as a boy in a hood walked in the store. May excused herself to take care of him and i sat down. I pulled a book out of my purse. I always carry one around. I was in the middle of re reading one of my favorite book series, The Hollow, by Jessica Verday (A/N: Amazing books, amazing author. read them if you have the chance!) I heard a chair screech. I looked up and saw the mysterious boy sit down across from me. I looked up, dog-eared the page I was on, and set down my book.

"Good morning." He spoke first. I tried to look past his hat and his sunglasses, bout I couldn't. I detected a strong Irish accent, so I decided to play around.

"Top o' tha mornin' to ya, sir." I said in a very convincing, if I may say so myself, Irish accent.

" Irish are ya? What part?" He asked, intrigued.

I laughed. "Im just messing with you. Im from Texas, in America," I let my southern accent shine through. "But I do come from Irish heritage, if that counts at all."

He smiled and chucked at me. "Well then, what brings a beautiful southern belle like yourself doing here in London?"

" I moved here yesterday with my sister Ruth. We came to live here with my cousin, Nat. She has an apart-" I stopped myself and remembered where I was. " I mean, flat, around here."

"Nat... huh. Say, you look familiar. But from your story, I know I couldn't possibly know you..." His face dropped, and I could tell that behind his glasses, he was looking at me quizzically.

I gave him a harder look-over and my brain started turning gears. I knew him as well, but from where...? "As do you... huh."

"I never got your name, hon."

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