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Just in case you do, don't read the a/n unless I tell you to or you wanna. Itself not compulsory.

*Chapter 17*

I've lost count. The number of days until school. I have no clue. Why are British summer holidays so short? We have only six weeks off and that is not enough. What can you do in six weeks? The answer is not much. Some people spend half that in another country,  I have hardly left England. Yet there's some people who leave every six months. People in other countries have no idea how lucky they are. Some get three months holidays. I need that. The days are going by quicker and quicker, I think the only good thing about it is I will see my friends.

"School is in less than a week Sophia, remember you have a lot of exams this school year. I hope you get the best of your ability and try as hard as you can. I'm not going to be one of those parents who push and push and push because I went through that, you don't have to." Thhat is a reason why I love my mum, she's satisfied when we do the best we can not when we get the best out of everyone. Her Mum used to push her and mum didn't like the pressure, so she isn't going to make me go through the same.

"Ok mum. I will, I always do." I still haven't got over my parents conversation the other day. My dad really annoys me when he says I don't know what i want when clearly I do. I'm the only who chose not to talk to him, I'm the one who chose the path my life will take. He just doesn't see that, he never has and he probably never will. 

"Ok, you dad called earli-"She stopped herself, obviously realising I don't want to talk about Dad. 

Today I decided to spend time with my family. No phones, or internet or anything. This day is going to be a long one.


"She isn't responding Luke. I've tried, Michael has tried and even Calum. And he doesn't seem to like her much." It's true, ever since everyone has met her, Cal has been wary. Not talking to her or about her. He just... Stays away. Mikey makes sure he isn't lonely. Luke and I however do talk to Soph, I guess we're what you would call friends? I don't know, she's a few years younger than us but she also treats us like normal people. Sophia is like a childhood friend to me, who Luke happens to-

"Do you think something could have happened to her over the past couple of days?"Luke pushes me out of my thoughts pacing up and down the room, worrying. Sometimes he worries for nothing.

"No. I'm sure she's fine."I try to reassure Luke, it doesn't seem to be working very well. 


It's official. I am depressed, I can't take it anymore. I'm going to do it, just one more small step and it will allbe over. Sophia don't, it isn't worth it. A little voice in the back on my head warns me, I'm sure if she was a real person right next to me she would probably be slapping me with a dead fish right now. I hate fish.

I can't live my life like this anymore. I can't take it. I have to do this. Have to.

I just need to feel the cool metal on my skin and then I'll be alright, relaxed even... Here it goes.

Buzz, buzz.

Arg, distractions, always getting in the way. I guess it will give me an excuse to go along with my plan. Before my body can catch up with what i am going I do it. A sigh of relief floods through me. I've missed this. So, so much.

I unlock my phone and check what the hell the buzzing was about. I have missed calls, a lot of missed calls. Scrolling through the list, I see none are from my dad, luckily, but instead they are from; Ashton, Michael and Calum. No calls or texts from Luke, and this make me sad. I immediately lock my phone and go back down stairs to join my family.

My life changed forever. {Luke Hemmings}Where stories live. Discover now