An Undiscovered Power

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Hey everyone! This is my first time writing a fanfic so please be kind :) I'm open to suggestions and constructive criticism.


Normal P.O.V.

After 7 years at her favorite school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, everything was peaceful after the death of the darkest wizard of all time named Tom Riddle, but more commonly known as Voldemort. Hermione recalled her adventure with her 2 best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. It all started at the night of the Halloween Party during their first year.

Earlier that morning, she recalled, Ron was insulting her behind her back why she didn't have friends, just because she was trying to correct him with his pronunciation of Le-vi-osa. She remembered how much it hurt her that time and how she locked herself up in the girl's bathroom and started to sob. She's been crying for almost the whole day and when she finally got out, she had to face a life threatening situation with a troll. She laughed at the memory of how she was saved by the boy who insulted her earlier at that time, along with the boy-who-lived Harry Potter.

That's when it all started. She wondered what would've happened if the two hadn't came to rescue her. She would probably have been dead by now. But she isn't. Right now, she is ecstatic about the death of darkest wizard of all time, for they will no longer have to worry about him, but at the same time, grieving for the fatality of several people, like the Creevey Brothers, Lavander Brown and other witches and wizards. There were several Death Eaters who died as well, namely Bellatrix Lestrange, Fernir Greyback, and more others, while the others escaped.

All around, a lot of witches and wizard were scattered, wounded. She helped the other healers with their jobs so that the job would be done quickly. After she helped, she came over to the Weasley family, who were very grateful for the survival of Fred after he was attacked by a Death Eater and George have never felt so grateful after his twin have been given a second life.

After helping the Weasleys, Hermione, Ron and Harry were walking around Hogwarts, looking at their beloved school, half torn down due to the war. They were talking peacefully when they saw a red light pass the side of the head of Ron by merely an inch. They turned around to check who it was that casted the spell. From behind them, they saw the bloody face of Rodolphus Lestrange. Behind him were two other Death Eaters who they didn't recognize.

"Think you can get away from killing my wife??!!" Lestrange shouted, "Well, think again!! You three have been nothing but trouble with our mission in getting the world rid of pests, just like you!!! Time to finish what the Dark Lord has always wanted..."

The three Death Eaters started attacking the trio with several spells.

"Reducto!" Harry shouted towards one Death Eater and was hit. 1 down, 2 to go.

Suddenly, Lestrange shouted towards Harry while the other one towards Ron, "Stupefy!"

Hermione found her two best friends still on the ground. She was furious. Even more furious than how she felt was she was furious with Malfoy during their third year.

"Your all alone now, Mudblood!" Lestrange screamed to her, he cast the Killing curse towards her. But then, the most unexpected thing happened...















Hermione was standing still, her hands on a fist. Clouds rose above the sky. All around, golden, silver, green, and red aura was surrounding her. Lestrange was shocked at this. Her eyes looked slit-like and as though she was ready to kill someone. The aura was making her hair flow freely from her back. Her wavy chocolate brown hair turned into curled locks.


Rodolphus was just throwing spells toward her. But no matter what he did, she was invincible... All the spells he threw at her, along with the other Death Eater, were just being absorbed by the multi-colored aura surrounding the witch. It seems as though every time he would cast a spell towards her and it hits the aura, it seems to be growing a lot bigger than its usual size. The more power the spell contains, and when it hits the aura, it also seemed to be growing thicker. Rodolphus seemed to have not noticed this because he didn't pay attention to the expanding aura at all because soon, the aura was 10x bigger than Hermione's figure. Soon, Rodolphus felt a strange, twinging feeling below his feet. It felt cool, at but at the same time extremely hot. He didn't want to look at his feet because he was too afraid of what was happening to him. He look at his fellow Death Eater from behind him, but instead of seeing a terrified face like his, he found a pile of dust lying there at the place where the companion he was with once stood. He realized that the mudblood wanted to deal with him last that she took care of his companion first. Slowly, he lifted to see how the mudblood near him looked like. When he saw, her it seems she was ready to attack him once more but this time with an unbelievable power. As soon as he looked at her, Hermione raised her hands and from the ground, vines, roots, branches and trunks were surrounding the Death Eaters body. Once trapped, she looked up to the sky, which brought down the lightning, and directed the lightning towards the trapped Death Eater with her eyes, and within a second of the stricking of the lighning, the Death Eater had been turned into ash.

The said witch who had just presented the world her true power had seemed to have calmed down, but as soon as the aura had vanished, she fainted into the darkness.

There was one person who witnessed the said event. He watched the girl he loved for so long actually harm someone, wait that's not the right word; it would be more of kill someone. He never would've ever thought that she would actually go this far. He'd seen her harm someone, actually experienced being harmed by her himself during their third year, but never kill. Though at what he saw, the person she killed was a Death Eater. He was actually happy about that. Below her lay down her two best friends. He thought they might have been stunned or something like that. He was the only person who has seen the most extraordinary and most terrifiying event in the whole wizarding world. This person is non-other than Draco Malfoy himself.


Well that's the end of the first chapter. Hope you guys like it. If I had wrong grammar, I greatly apologize for that. Please tell me if I had wrong grammar, so I can change it. I'll be happy to read your comments. Thanks for reading. I'll update this story as soon as possible.

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