Meeting her REAL family, Thoughts, Realizations, and Shocking surprises

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Author's Note: Hey there everyone! I'm truly deeply sorry for not having updated for quite some time now. I feel so horrible. I've been having a hectic schedule for the past weeks. Last last week was requirements week. Last week is exam week. And this week is Semestral break, though I've been really busy due to baking(AS OF NOVEMBER 3, 2012)!!! I'll try to update more. But I don't want to promise because of my very hectic schedule... Also I haven't updated because the chapter wasn't around a thousand words yet(that's my word minimum by the way) and I myself don't like it when the update is short so yah... Guys, please review. It means a lot to me to read reviews, even if it's correcting my grammar or something. Just please, please review.  

Well, I no longer want to keep you waiting, on with the story... 


Hermione's POV 

The sun struck my face as the morning came. I was too exhausted from what had happened the other day that I didn't feel like opening my eyes. I was too overwhelmed with the news I had received and went home. I tried to remember what I did next. I took all the pictures of myself and my parents and went here, to my room.  

I really can't believe that their dead already. For the past years of my life, they've been one of the several people who loved me dearly. It just breaks my heart to have another set of important people in my life die. I don't know what to do with my life anymore... I despised the horrid fact that people I love die because of me. I curse the existence of Voldemort for that matter. If he never existed, none of this ever would've happened!  

I remember that last night, I went to the corner of my room. I hugged all the pictures tightly, remembering all the fun and good times my parent's and I had together.  

I tried to feel what was under me. I'm on my bed. I don't remember walking to my bed last night to sleep. Someone must have brought me here... But who could it be.  

I slowly opened my eyes. I tried to look around my room to see any sign of another person in my room. Beside my bed stood a chair, occupied by a rather unexpected, should I say, guest. It was none other than the famous Blaise Zabini! What's he doing in my house???... 

I blinked my eyes rapidly, thinking that I must be hallucinating. But if I was hallucinating, why would Blaise Zabini be the one I'm hallucinating about... We haven't conversed with each other, meaning to say we're not even a little bit close to being friends. I sat up and kept blinking until I found the words I want to say to him... 

"What are you doing here, Zabini?!" I shouted at him, shocked. 

"Hermione, please come with me," he replied calmly, "You need to see someone important." 

"How do I know you're not a death eater who'll bring me to your fellow death eaters?" 


"Don't call me Hermione!" I screamed, "We're not friends of any sort so you have no right to call me with my first name!" 

"Then how do want me to address to you? Jean?" 


"Well I can't call you Granger since you aren't really a Granger..." 

"Of course I'm a Granger you dunderhead!!"  

"You're not a Granger, Hermione! You're a Zabini!" 

"What are you talking about? I don't think I understand what you mean by me being a Zabini..." 

"Come with me so that you'll understand what I mean.." 

"How do I know you're not a de-"He stopped me from speaking by putting a finger on my lips and brought his arms up to show that he didn't have the Dark Mark... 

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