A Devastating News

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Author's Note: Hey everyone. I'm so sorry for updating so late, so busy with school and everything and stressing so much with my Thesis paper. Thanks for reading the first chapter. I was so happy to see the number of people who read the first chapter. Well, I don't want to keep you waiting any longer. Here's the second chapter.:) 


Hermione's POV 

Ughhh. I feel so numb. I tried to recall what happened before I felt like this. Then the memories were flooding back to me:  

A red light passed Ron's head by merely an inch. We turned around to see who casted the spell. It was Rodolphus Lestrange and 2 other Death Eaters whom I didn't recognize.  

He was ranting about the death of his wife and how he would continue the mission of Voldemort by starting with us. Several spells were thrown and Harry was able to hit 1 Death Eater with a blasting charm. 

Several spells have continued to be thrown at each other and Harry and Ron were hit with a Stunning Spell. 

I got furious, even more furious than how I felt with Malfoy in 3rd year. I don't know what happened after that. Strangely, my body and mouth seemed to have a mind of its own as I was no longer aware of my actions and words. I didn't know what I was doing but soon, I blacked out.  

I slowly opened my eyes to see where I was. I seem to be in the Hospital Wing. I tried to get up and look around to see who else was there. Madame Pomfrey rushed towards me and told me to stay still. I obeyed as my body still felt numb. I tried turning my head to see my two best friends sleeping.  

"Madame Pomfrey, how long have I been out?" I asked our school Healer. 

"About 4 days, dear" she replied, "The other two were waiting for you to wake up so you could go back to the Burrow. Everyone else left for home but they insisted in staying with you until you wake up."  

'4 days!!' I thought to myself, 'How's that even possible?!'  

"Hermione! You're finally awake!!" I heard Ron. Harry stretched his arms upward while yawning to get out of his sleepiness. 

"No Ron, I'm still asleep," I replied sarcastically, hearing Harry laugh at my reply to Ron, "Are we the only ones left here?" I asked. 

"Yea, apart from the teachers," Harry replied, "What happened 'Mione? You scared us to death" pointing to himself and Ron. 

"I don't know, all I remember was that I got furious, that's all," I replied. 

"Well, you can't have only been furious and then blackout and wake up after what, 4 days?!" 

"I don't know, I'm sorry for making you worry," I replied. 

"It's alright, as long as you're finally well," Harry finally said. 

"Madame Pomfrey, when am I allowed to leave?" I asked the tired looking Healer before she retreated to her quarters. 

"You're fine to leave now, dear, and Professor McGonagall wishes to speak with you before you leave," she replied. 

"Thank you and may I ask one more question? Who brought me here?"  

"He asked me not to tell you, I'm sorry Ms. Granger." 

"It's alright," I replied and she retreated to her quarters. 

"I wonder what McGonagall wants to talked to you about..." Ron said. 

When Lightness and Darkness Collide (Harry Potter / Dramione Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now