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A few days had passed and Alexis hardly even remembered she and Austin didn't get along. She hardly saw him and her band didn't talk about him in front of her. She introduced them to Nick and Nick introduced them to his band. She found these past few days she was hanging out with him, Lloyd, Johnny, and Gary. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

Until the sudden realization hit her.

“Do you think Austin's trying to tear our band apart?” She asked Gary, looking up from her laptop screen and chewing on her cuticle. Gary stared at her.

“What?” He said. “Why would he do that?”

“Have you noticed that all of us hang out with separate groups? Like, you, me and the Get Scared gang. Austin seems to have really taken Spencer and Danny under his wing.”

Gary snickered. “They're only hanging out with Austin because they want him to give us a good name—considering the first person from this band to run into him gave him a reason to not like us.”

“Not my fault he's a jerk.” She closed her laptop and placed it off to the side of the back lounge's couch and slouched in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked over at Gary, whose eyes were glued to the TV screen.

He finally looked away and met her eyes, a smirk slipping onto his face. “Why are you staring at me?”

She smiled and shrugged, looking away. “Spencer and Danny are with Austin and his band. Jeremy's in the front doing manager stuff and crew is unloading from the trailer.” She peeked at him under her lashes, the way she always does when she wants something. It's like her eyes draw the person in. It's never failed her once.

Gary raised an eyebrow. “Right now?”

She slowly made her way toward him, sitting on the back of her heels once she was next to him and running her fingers through the ends of his golden hair. “It'll be quick.”

“As I recall, Alexis, you said you wanted to stop this.” He said, staring from her eyes to her lips simultaneously.

She pursed her lips, remembering that conversation. “Yeah...I suppose you're right.” She leaned back into the corner of the couch. She knew Gary was still staring at her but she refused to make eye contact. Just as she expected, he lunged toward her and pressed his lips onto hers. She smiled, running her hand through his hair as she kissed him back.

“I hate when you do this to me.” He whispered, his hands gripping the hem of her shirt.

She giggled. “I hate when you talk too much.” She kissed him more and more while they tore off each other's clothes.

Suddenly, she felt a phone vibration flow through the leather cushion. She turned away and looked for the source as Gary kissed and nibbled at her neck. She saw her phone lighting up beside her laptop. She squinted and saw that an unknown number was calling her.

“Gary, hold on...” She said, pushing him. But he didn't seem to hear her. “Gary!” She elbowed him in the chest and he finally got off. She picked up the phone and accepted the call.


There was a small pause before the person started talking. “What's up...” The male voice said slowly. Her eyes widened when she realized who it was.

“How did you get my phone number?”

“Uh...Spencer gave it to me. Listen, I left my business phone on your bus and it's really important that I get it. Would it be cool if I stopped by to grab it?”

“Why couldn't you call Jeremy or Gary?” She snapped.

“Spencer gave me a phone number, he didn't tell me who it was. You should take a chill pill, hot stuff.”

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