The Greatest leader

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NEW PART! YAY!! Enjoy and stuff.

I woke up to the sound of Ruby talking in her sleep. I looked over and saw that she was still cuddled up with me.

Ruby:...mhmm... ew... raisins...

To be honest, I forgot she was here with me, but I'm glad she was. She looks so cute when she sleeps. I shook her a bit and her eyes opened.

Ruby: Hi.

(Y/N): Hey...

I found myself staring into them for a bit longer than I probably should have. She was staring back at me and we could've kept staring at each other for a while, but Yang was there to break us out of our trance.

Yang: Are you two going to kiss yet or not? If not, get up and wake up Weiss. We have stuff to do today.

(Y/N)/Ruby: (Blushes) Kiss!?

(Y/N): Um... uh... we were just getting up.

Yang: Good. Now get dressed. I'm pretty sure we have classes today.

(Y/N): Right, I guess I'll go really quick.

I ran into the bathroom and used my semblance to quickly change into my school uniform. I got out and Ruby rushed in.

(Y/N): Now, time to wake up Weiss.

I ran to my duffel bag and pulled out a whistle. As I was about to blow on it, Ruby walked out of the bathroom. I handed her the whistle and nodded.

(Y/N): You do the honors. You are the team leader after all.

Ruby: Well, don't mind if I do!

(Whistle noise)

Weiss: AH! (Falls out of bed)

Ruby: Good morning team RWBY!

Weiss: What in the world is wrong with you!?

Ruby: Well, it was actually (Y/N) who gave me the whistle...

(Y/N): (Gasps) Ruby, how could you?

Ruby: Anyway, now that you're awake, we can begin our first order of business!

Weiss: Excuse me?

Yang: Decorating!

Weiss: What?

Blake: We still have to unpack...

Blakes suitcase opens and all of her stuff falls out.

Blake:... and clean.

Ruby blows on the whistle again and Weiss falls over... again.

Ruby: Alll RIGHT!! Weiss, Blake, Yang, (Y/N), and their fearless leader, Ruby, have begun their first mission! BANZAI

Yang and Blake: Banzai!


RWBY: Huh?

(Y/N): Oh, just quoting an old movie I saw.

Ruby: Alrighty then... let's get decorating!!

I pull out the only thing I brought of importance... My coffee mug with a picture of Caboose on it. I put it on a nearby desk. Turning around, I see Yang hang up a poster of "The achieve men" and I am half tempted to draw a cat on Gav's hand and a crown on Ryan's head. Weiss puts up a painting of Forever fall, which reminds me of where I started when I came to this universe. I look over at the bookshelf and see Blake hold up a book titled "Ninjas of love" and she looks around. Her gaze eventually lands on me and her eyes widen.

A Rose and That one guy (Ruby Rose X Male reader Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now