Jaundice and a friends honor

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Previously, on RWBY...
Bryan puppet: (Y/N) I hate you!
(Y/N) puppet: Ruby, I love you!
Ruby puppet: (Y/N), I love you too!
And now... the continuation of the story from a few days later... Enjoy!
(POV: Y/N)
I was asleep in Ruby's bed next to her. I was thinking about the field trip to forever fall in the morning. Jaune hadn't been around for a while, so I'm guessing that Cardin was blackmailing him. I knew that Cardin would get what was coming to him but then I thought about Bryan and how he might intervene and screw things up. I then could hear the sound of footsteps in the hallway.

Ruby:... mmhm... no... I don't like vegetables...

(Y/N): (Sighs) I guess I'd better take care of that.

I tried to get out from Ruby's arms but every time I moved, she wrapped them around me tighter. Like when you pull the seat belt all the way and it gets tighter.

(Y/N): Um... Ruby?

Ruby: (Sleep talking)...For me? Thanks     (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Ruby! Yang's eating your cookies!

Ruby: Huh? What! Where is she!?

(Y/N): Ruby, I was just trying to wake you up.

Ruby: Oh. Don't do that! Why'd you need to wake me up anyway!?

(Y/N): There's something outside. Imma go see what it is.

Ruby: Okay, just hurry back or I'm gonna replace you with this pillow.

(Y/N): I'll try.

I got off of the bed and went into the hallway. I saw Jaune looking sad and he closed the door to team JNPRs dorm.

(Y/N): Jaune?

Jaune: GAH! Oh, hey (Y/N)! What're you doing up so late?

(Y/N): I could ask you the same thing. Did you lock yourself out again?

Jaune: Oh! uh. Nope! (Pulls out scroll) Got it! Hehe...

(Y/N): So how's hanging out with Cardin? He's really benefiting from the whole fake transcript thing, huh?

Jaune: Wait! How did you know!? Are you gonna blackmail me too?

(Y/N): I'll explain the first part sometime later, but Jaune, you're my friend. I wouldn't do that.

Jaune: Oh, well. Thanks, I guess.

Jaune looked down in sadness.

(Y/N): What's wrong? Well... besides the Cardin part...

Jaune: Well, he's blackmailing me and Pyrrha won't even talk to me. I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea. I'm a failure.

Ruby: Nope!

I jumped forward into Jaune's arms. I think I ate too much stuff today, cuz Jaune fell down as soon as he caught me. Maybe I'm too fat?

(Y/N): GAH! Ruby! Don't do that! I though you went back to sleep!

Ruby: You took too long and the pillow doesn't have the same effect.

Jaune: The same effect as what, exactly?
(Y/N): That doesn't matter right now. You were saying, Ruby?

Ruby: Oh, right! I said nope! You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: But what if I'm a failure at being a leader?

Ruby: Hmmm... nope!

(Y/N): Come on, Jaune. Have a little faith in yourself! You may have been a failure when you were little, or the first day when we all met! But that doesn't matter anymore because you can't be a failure now.  You have a team and this isn't about just you. If you fail now, you'll be bringing them down too.

A Rose and That one guy (Ruby Rose X Male reader Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now