9. The Right Place at the Wrong Time

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Holy shit.

Just before anyone could see me, I quickly slid out of view and leaned against the wall in the hallway, trying to calm my now panicked breathing.  

That couldn't be my boss. Nope. No way. Not a chance. Absolutely not possible. Zero percent. 

As I stood there almost having a full blown panic attack, I attempted to silence myself as I realised I probably wasn't hiding very secretly anymore but also replayed what I had just saw a few moments ago.

My mystery man from last night was here, in my office. Having a conversation with Natalie. In my office. Looking fine as Hell. IN MY OFFICE!

I looked up and down at the tragedy I had chosen to drape my body in this morning and suddenly regretted everything I had ever done in my life which lead up to me choosing this outfit while I was half asleep. A long sleeved white button up shirt underneath a black sweater vest and long, half-ironed black trousers with, fortunately, a pair of black slightly-platformed heels. ...Something had to be done. And quickly! 

I ran to the conveniently placed bathroom down the hall. Not sure why, seeing as this wasn't a movie where I could point my finger into a mirror and voila! My outfit was completely different; but I had to at least try and save myself from looking like a boring Betty who only cares about reports and not getting laid with a 100% success rate. 
I locked myself in one of the stalls and instantly removed my sweater vest, desperately shoving it into my handbag and wishing it would vanish into thin air. 

"This is a start. This is a good start.", I thought to myself.  

Then, I began untucking my shirt from my trousers and also freed the top few buttons, just enough to still be professional yet casual at the same time. I dusted myself off, now semi-happy but still happier than I was before with my outfit, exited the stall and looked myself over in the mirror. Just a hint of my favourite nude lipstick, a top-up of mascara and removing a few pins from my bun just for it to look the right amount of 'cute-messy' and I was good to go. 

"You can do this, Alice. Just walk in there like the boss bitch you are." I whispered to myself in an attempt to hype myself up and get my adrenaline rolling so that I, hopefully, wouldn't feel as much pain at whatever point in the day my heart decides to jump out of my chest. You know... just some precautionary measures. 

This was it

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This was it. I now felt mildly more attractive than I did 5 minutes ago and I was ready to walk in that room and not fall flat on my face in front of the man who was so handsome that he could, quite potentially, ruin my entire life and also the next ten thousand lifetimes that follow. I took a deep breath and turned the corner, taking a confident first step through the doorway into my office where I could still hear them casually speaking to one another. Here goes nothing!

The second that the bottom of my heel met the wooden floor beneath me, my Mr. Mystery instantly turned to face me as Natalie was speaking mid-sentence, almost as if he was drawn to my presence immediately. I stood for a brief moment and met his gaze before continuing to walk closer to both of them, his eyes already looking deeply into mine, and witnessed a slight smirk which played in the corner of his lips; like he was thinking back to something pleasing. 

I eased my gaze a little as I continued to subtly strut over to them, just enough to flash him a sneak peek of what they'd look like in the bedroom if it were only us. He responded by also softening his stare, and started to delicately bite his perfect lower lip.

Oh, what I would give to be his lower li-

"Alice! You're here, great!" Natalie exclaimed cheerily, startling me so much that I unintentionally broke the eye contact between me and the Angel who stood next to her in a split second, who was now awkwardly looking down at the ground while shifting his weight from one leg onto the other. 

"Uh- yeah! Yeah, I'm here! You know me, Hi Ho!" ...


...The FUCK, Alice?! Hi Ho?! Am I freaking kidding me right now?!
Ugh... I hate me when I'm nervous. Insert facepalm here. 

"Ha ha ha... ha. Yes, well. Anyway!" Oh God... Nat's awkward laughter just made what I said sound even more facepalm-worthy. Thanks, girl...
"Alice, I wanted to introduce you to someone." 

Oh, God. Oh, GOD. I was, officially, internally screaming. I was about to be introduced to the man who was quite literally the advertisement of the reward you'd receive in Heaven only if you were to never sin a single sin for the entirety of your existence on this Earth. 
I turned my attention to him again as she introduced us and we connected our eyes once more, but this time.. it was in such a way that only the strongest forces of this world could break. 

"This is Mr. Reed. You'll report into him starting immediately, following your new position."

Mr. Reed... damn

He swiftly stepped closer to me and confidently held out his hand to take mine so that he was able to gently shake it and professionally greet me, and suddenly everything was in slow motion. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alice. Please, call me Logan."

Logan Reed.
Fuck, even his name's hot. 

"I'll leave you two to get acquainted. Please let me know if you require anything!" Natalie said before she quickly left the room, clearly not detecting any of the eye-fucking between me and my new Boss judging by the calm tone of her voice. Bless.

But as soon as the click of the door echoed through the room signalling that it was now closed, my body fired up in excitement; and I was ready to give her everything and anything that her heart desired.

Logan's eyes hadn't left mine. The minute we both heard the sound that confirmed we were alone, his mouth instantly curled up into the cheekiest, sexiest smile I had ever seen; and I couldn't help but follow suit. 

He slowly took a step towards my unapparent frozen body and as he began to tower over me, he softly guided my face upwards towards his by my chin with his finger, and said-

"Well, Alice. It truly is my pleasure to meet you again. Believe me."

My name, is Alice Atwell

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My name, is Alice Atwell.

His name, is Logan Reed.& for some reason, I think in this moment he was wrong; because I could literally feel that the pleasure was most definitely all mine

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