Happy Ending

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Dora went to the garage, where Bob was lying in a pool of Wendy's blood, crying. She grabbed him by his collar, bound his hands and feet and duct taped his mouth shut.

Bob looked confused as she put the cotton wool soaked with chloroform over his mouth.

'Hush baby, it will all be over soon' she told him.

She took him back to her village, where they were married in a native ritual.

As Bob looked into his kidnappers deep brown eyes, familiar and friendly in so many ways, he realised he was in love.

He took her to the casino and they had a wedding party.  They gambled away his life savings from the garage but they would be getting a tidy sum due to Wendy and the other truck's tragic deaths.

Now they're married and have 5 kids. Laquisha, Charniqua, Chantelle, Champagne and Rossen.

The end.

Forbidden love:- Dora the explorer x Bob the builderWhere stories live. Discover now