Got tagged by PikaPIKACU-
I think I've done this one before... Like a long time ago... Oh well imma say some basic shit
1: I have a rabbit
2: I have a dog
3: I have another dog
4: I have a cat
5: I have a turtle
6: I have 3 siblings and I'm the youngest
7: I start school August 1
8: I don't lie, I just keep the most important part of a statement to myself
9: I find it hard to care about a lot of stuff
10: I'm gender fluidJoke: Why did the man ask for a doctor?
Cause he was stabbed and he was bleeding out. (dark/anti humor)Spoiler: She dies
Tags: eatmycrippledass tableatcrackerbarrel Snowysnowgirl123 Http-ZeroGravity wendys @whoever else is reading this cause idk who all is still on wattpad