Chapter 1

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Guys, I wrote another book!
Yeah. Another.

But I'm entering this one into the Watty's. Mhmm. The Watty's.

Before I begin, I want to say that I was inspired to write this from the TV show, Reign. If you watch it, you may see some similarities, but I promise I am not plagiarizing or stealing ideas. As with many books like this, all characters and places in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, is simply coincidental.

So, here is Royal Blue. I hope you like it.

- Maddie.


"But Mother," Adelaide said as she watched a few of her most loyal servants pack her jewelry for her. "I've never met this Robert boy. He's a stranger to me. I can't just marry a stranger!"

"You don't remember playing as children? Oh, Addie, you used to love traveling to Elyria," her mother mused.

"No, and I do not feel comfortable living with a stranger."

"He's your friend, Addie," she sighed. "And he's just as nervous as you."

"I'm not nervous," she huffed like a child. "I'm simply annoyed that I'm being forced into this."

Her mother smiled softly. "It's nothing different than what you're used to. Besides, having Elyria on our side will help us win the war, don't you see? The more allies the better."

Allies, allies, allies. That's all Adelaide would ever hear these days. She knew that no one cared about what she wants. They only want to protect themselves.

As if she was reading her mind, Adelaide's mother spoke up. "We're doing this for our country, Addie. It's the only way to keep Cardia safe from France."

"France wants nothing to do with us, Mother," Addie protested. "That I'm sure."

"We don't know that," Queen Jane scolded her. "General Hathen has talked to The Duke of France. He knows what they want, and has been sworn to secrecy."

Adelaide exhaled a long breath and smoothened her dress. The diamond encrusted belt imported from Portugal felt rough under her palms. Her corset had been tied so tight that she could barely breathe, so she couldn't help but call one of her Ladies to loosen it.

Her mother had left the room, and Adelaide stood to be loosened.

"Maria," Adelaide nearly whimpered to her friend from the emotional pain of leaving Cardia. "I'm sorry for you to see me in hysterics but I just can't help it."

"You needn't apologize, your Grace. Your sadness is my sadness. But it shall be a new beginning for us all. Cardia will be sad for your leaving, but hopeful for the chance of an alliance with Elyria."

"Oh, Maria," she cooed as the corset and been undone. "I'm so glad you and Rowan will be joining me in Elyria," Adelaide faced the window. "It should take away some of the grief."

"Look on the bright side," Maria laughed slightly at Adelaide's comment. "I've heard Prince Robert grew up to be quite...dashing."

"I should hope so," she faced Maria with a smirk. "He is my fiancé, after all."

"Yes, well, sort of," Maria sat down on Adelaide's bed. "He is only your match at the time, correct?"

"Yes. Don't remind me," Adelaide frowned. "I have to accept his marriage proposal! Robert - this, this man I've never met!"

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