Learn from the potato and see the life experience that the potato learn and you may even get life experience too but I don't know of you will. This is Courtesy of XxpsycopotatogirlxX
I rolled to the potato exoskeleton and i asked if i can buy it but they said that they had none in stock so I'm not explaining how i got that money its a vary long story Thai I'm not planning to tell you well anyway i got a cheap robotic arm for $100 and that was a steal compared to to the expensive exoskeleton that cost $2400 or $3200.
So i it was so affordable that i don't need to a nonexistent sweat to get it and they say it's easy to put on so yes it was a steal so i now i need to go to the potato race and when i got to take of my robotic arms so they don't break on my way down i can see so many potato people as i start to roll down the hill i see the love of my life she had one robotic arm and i think she was waving at me with it but when she went out of my vision a blue wall like light past throw the robotic arms and potato's the arms started spinning out and fritzing out then the LED lights on the robot arms turned form a blue to a red the robot arms to target all potato's but the only arm that does not tern red is the i the cheap arms and luckily I got the cheap arm and the arm that that potato girl had was a was a more expensive version.
So I rolled faster then i ever rolled and i think i may have broken the sound barrier but the second I got down there i turned and went up i got my new arm and put it on and i saw here the potato girls arm was turning on her so i grab the arm and slammed it on the ground rolled on it, it exploded then i saw it the giant robot it smashing potato's left and right potato guts everywhere disgusting but it isn't the first time I've seen potato guts it before but potato girl was a different story she fell on the ground like a dead potato so I grabbed her with my robotic arms and escape up the fence we flew up the fence as fast as the arms would let me fling my self and i landed on a building with potato girl so much potato gust every were this has turned from the best potato day if my life so far to the worst I don't know much about potato health and safety but i think she will be ok and i think the robots cant see us i see so many potato's trying to fling themselves up the gate some potato's even got away the potato people that were left over weren't so lucky but then my adrenaline gust went down and I collapsed of presser but it looks like i just rolled forward and did I nothing when I woke up that potato girl asked "if i am ok" and asked if "what happed in the last 2 hours " and i told here that "it was potato day and the robots turned against us with some kind of electrical field i think we should get out of town so we can find the souse of the energy field and if we don't find the souse of the energy then we have to destroy all of those robots" i knew we couldn't fight all of those robot on our one so we have to options ether make a EMP field so we can tern off all the robots for good or get the leftover potato people to fight against the robots but the one thing i did not account for is that the robots can make more robots that are Immune to EMP.
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