Chapter 27

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Title: Fighting Spirit!

Raffleisdon sent his roots at Panku on an attempt to whip his ass, only for them to be deflected by his trusty bat. He then brought it up and severed the roots, suddenly, Senior Centipede surrounds him, tearing away at his clothes, roaring out: "CENTIPEDE PARADE!"

Panku growled as he batted the large centipede creature back after enough damage was dealt. His jacket was gone, and his left sleeve was torn up, he ripped the rest of it off and growled.

"You're hanging in against two Demon Level Monsters, no wonder why you defeated Junior Centipede and Venus Mantrap.", Senior Centipede said with a slight evil grin.

"What are you bastards after? What could they possibly be worth to you?", Panku asked a bit annoyed.

"How about this? Defeat us and we may tell you.", Raffleisdon said with a slight evil laugh, noticing Panku was starting to look a little woozy. "No one can escape my hypno-scent for long."

"Excellent!!!", Senior Centipede hissed as he lunged at him, smacking the Hero repeatedly with his two whip like appendages.

"That's brutal.", Panku said as he was launched back by the large blue centipede, who only grinned and kept smacking him, and stopped to take the final blow. "Eternal Rest is yours Hero!"

Then the sound of metal hitting against someone was heard, it was from Panku, who just ducking hit himself with his bat. "D-Did he just hit himself?!"

"He's outta his mind!", Senior Centipede roared out as he tried smacking him again, only for that limb to he severed by Panku, who just grinned.

"Ahhh, that feels way better.", Panku said yawning a bit, it just felt like he fell asleep in class... but more risky.

"What?! A comeback?! And he's even more powerful?!", Senior Centipede said with shock, while Raffleisdon had the sense of surprise.

"When my Fighting Spirit is up, I can take on anything.", Panku said as blood covered most of his face as he scowled. "You really smacked them hell outta me, but since I'm nice I'll let you two off the hook easy!", Panku said as he killed Raffleisdon with one whack. "Just one whack each!", he called out as he killed Senior Centipede with one whack too. "And we'll call it even!"

Panku smiled, "Phew, it's been a while since I was THAT pumped up.", he then stopped and facepalmed. "Goddammit! I forgot to ask what they were after!", he said annoyed at himself, before looking at the two. "Seems the nimrods weren't hurt. Wake up you two, maybe a smack would help."

Suddenly, two heroes ran up to him, Death Arms is a very tall, muscular man of a wide build with slightly-tanned skin. He has a square jaw which juts out a notable amount, small eyes and short white hair, spiked out behind his head.

In his hero costume, he wears large headband with a yellow and black-striped caution pattern, matching his thick wrist-guards and the belt around his waist, a square buckle with a triangular decoration sat in its centre. He wears what looks to be a cyan-colored cardigan, which exposes his lower torso and the centre of his pectorals, held onto his chest on each side by small metal nuts. His pants are dark blue, a white stripe down each side, and are slightly baggy on him, and his shoes are plain black with a simple design.

And another one who just wore a pineapple themed suit. "We've come to help!" "We wanna fight too!"

Panku only sighed in annoyance. "Fights already over.", he said yawning a bit.

"What?! Wasn't it threat level demon?!"

"Yep, take these two to the hospital. I need to go shopping with my sister.", Panku said as he patted Death Arms shoulder, suddenly, something shot out of the ground... and boy was it huge.

"T-That's the giant insect monster! Elder Centipede!", Pineapple said as both he and Death Arms backed up, Elder Centipede was a gargantuan centipede creature. In the center of his head was a humanoid face. When his carapace molted, a new face appeared out of the mouth of the old face. Elder Centipede's appearance, in contrast to his smaller counterparts Junior Centipede and Senior Centipede, was far more antagonizing and intimidating. His carapace was dark black. His centipede face, directly below the humanoid head, had four glowing eyes, long antennae, and a large mouth with sharp teeth. His initial width was 15 meters wide, with 3 layers of faces.

"You know this creep?", Panku cocked an eyebrow as he looked up at it.

"Yeah! He did massive damaged when he first appeared two year ago, he's a Threat Level Dragon!", Death Arms said as Panku simply smiled.

"Dragon huh?"

"Yeah, let's call for backup and retreat!", Pineapple said as Panku shook his head.

"He wants my targets right there, so you two, take them to safety. While I fight this thing with everything I've got!", Panku said as the large Monster looked down on them with its wrinkly face.

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