Chapter 30

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Title: Only You...

"That was dangerous Zenko, why're you even here anyways?", Panku asked looking at his younger sister who just shrugged.

"You said you were at Nezumi Shushi so I walked over, but some Monsters appeared and-", Zenko was cut off as Panku facepalmed.

"Dammit I gotta go! I have to protect that father and daughter!", Panku said as he tried leaving, only for Zenko to grab his pants leg.

"No! You'll get yourself killed!" "Go home Zenko, I don't have time for that." "Why?!", Zenko leapt up and smacked Panku on the back of the head. "Stubborn blockhead!"... before he fell over and passed out.

"Um... Big Bro?"

"Metal Bat has collapsed. We can move in for the kill right Carn- not again.", Phoenix said as Carnage had vanished, but, Carnage I'd actually slipped into a pipe and slithered out of it chuckling to himself in glee.

"Metal Bats younger sisterrrr! Hehehehe~ you can never have enough hostages.", Carnage said before hearing someone behind him.

"Hey." "What-BEFDBRGHHFH!!!", Carnage's head caved into his chest cavity.

The man who did it was Gray, who just looked annoyed. "I thought I sensed a creepy stare, and I hate being watched.", he said messing with his hair, which was now more unkept, the Hero Hunter looked shocked as Carnage started repairing himself. "You survived that?"

Phoenix landed behind him with a thud, Gray only seemed to smirk. "Ah, so a two on one fight huh? Well bring it on.", he said confidently.

"We aren't your enemy, Garou. In fact we have something that might interest you.", Phoenix said as a human hand popped out with a flier that just had a Monster face, and the word 'Monster Association'.

"Monster Association?", Gray looked at it rather unimpressed, Phoenix only seemed to have a little grin.

"He took the bait!", Phoenix knee this would be easier than he thought. "I can take you back to our hideout- uh!", he was taken aback by Gray just tearing the flier up into pieces.

"Not interested, get lost freaks.", Gray said dropping the pieces and just shrugging, Phoenix man only laughed.

"I'll pretend didn't see that.", the giant phoenix Monster said before flying up. "But we'll see again soon, if you keep up hunting heroes!"

"We'll be watching you.", Carnage said before slipping into the sewers again and leaving him there.

Gray only sighed and just had the look of distaste plastered on his face. "Disgusting."

"You done yet?", Muscular said, his Quirk: "Muscle Augmentation", his body was now made of muscle fibers gaining a few feet, so about eight feet, Death Arms and Pineapple only panted as they had been attacking him.

"We keep hitting. But he's like a rock!" "Our attacks aren't working!", Muscular only sighed and popped his knuckles.

"Wanna know what I graded your attacks? Pine Grenade: three points, Concentrated Pine-Acid: seven points, Pine Cannon: one point. Death Barrage: four points, Death Uppercut: zero points.", Muscular said as he grinned like a maniac. "On a scale of zero to one hundred, is that all you got? You're so weak it's not even funny! I overestimated you fucking heroes, I've suppressed my urge to kill just so I can fight the strongest guy I could possibly find. But you guys aren't even close!", the muscle villain said annoyed.

"Muscular! It's time to leave!", Phoenix said as he was hovering above him, Muscular only groaned.

"Oh come on! I thought you said we were gonna take down Metal Knight!!!", the villain said annoyed at this.

Phoenix pointed at the robot flying around Elder Centipede. "That is nothing more than a piloted drone. The real Metal Knight is nowhere near here.", he said with a groan. "Besides, today isn't the main event, we can't cut loose just yet."

"Fine then! Are we talking these two?", he asked, only for Phoenix to just grow more annoyed.

"Bring the kid and that's all asshole!", Phoenix said as he was referring to Wanama.

"No! Over our dead body-!"

Muscular rammed into them at full force with a grin. "That's the plan dipshit!", he said as he picked up the daughter.

"Elder Centipede, it is time to leave. We've achieved our objective.", Phoenix said to the large centipede creature, as it only groaned and retreated into a large hole.

"Trying to escape? Nice try.", Metal Knight said as he grew suction cups on his forearms and legs, then clings onto the retreating Elder Centipede. "I must hold on!", he called out before he left with it.

Somewhere Else...

Despite the large creature, the entire area of City S and even onward was under attack, we go to the City G, where Vlad King was.

"Beat em up Vlad King!" "Yeah! Show him who's boss!"

Vlad King was panting heavily, "It's been fifteen minutes and there's no backup? Dammit I'll have to do this alone for now.", he thought as blood encased his fist, his suit was damaged of course. So he used his wounds.

"How many of you do I have to kill to raise my threat level?", said Martial Gorilla, who is a buff gorilla with a scar on his left eye who wears a white beret with a banana pin affixed to it. He wears his holster over his black t-shirt and has many bananas attached to it. The bananas on his t-shirt are actually containers for his cigars; in the anime, this was changed where they are actual bananas. He also wears camouflage pants with black knee pads and black combat boots. "Guess I'll kill you first."

One of the new, up and coming Heroes, Lightening Genji flipped over two monsters, one resembling a Maiko and one resembling a pufferfish with human-like arms and legs. "Goddammit, my Stun Rods aren't working, my Quirk hasn't even laid a scratch, what luck I have.", he said sarcastically.

"Class A Hero, Lightening Genji you should consider yourself lucky.", Maikoplasma said with a little smile. "There are Monsters much worse than us in other parts of Japan.

One of the bearded Hero Association looked on at the screen surprised but also shocked. "M-Monsters are appearing everywhere! And many are Threat Level Demon or Above! We-We can't keep up!", he said as multiple 'caution' signs to repeatedly pop up, and take up the entire screen.

"Hey! Gale, c'mon!", a rather beautiful and curvy woman said, she had long black hair tied in a pony tail, and a white martial arts Gi with a black belt. "It's time to enter the ring! Hurry up!"

Moros stood up from his chair and put his wig back on with a smirk. "Okay! I'm comin!"

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