Chapter 6: Not So Happy Campers (Part 6)

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(Mia-Bella's POV)
After the naked incident and the fact that the Screaming Gophers won the cliff Jumping challenge, We got into our normal clothes and they are now ahead of us, pulling their crates in carts while we, the Killer bass, have to carry our crates to the camp grounds.

"Duncan-" I started



"No! I won't let you carry your crate!" Duncan yelled in frustration as he kicked his crate before pulling mine.

"That's not what I was gonna say." I giggled at his over protectiveness, pulling out some rope from my emergency bag which I kept close since the challenge started. "I was gonna say that we could use the rope."

He looked at me wide eyed before pulling me into his arm, putting a big kiss on my forehead.

"Mia, your a genius." He exclaimed before taking the rope and started unrolling it. He wrapped the middle of the rope around his waist before wrapped the two ends around each crate. He started jogging, being careful not to break the crates.

"That's cheating!" Courtney yelled, noticing that Duncan was a good distance ahead of us.

"Not really" I said while going over to Bridgette to help her push her crate. "Chris said we had to carry them but he didn't say how."

She was gonna argue when Eva dropped her crate in front of her.

"Shut it and pick up your crate" Eva glared "Chicken"

"Hey, you need me. I'm the only one with CIT camping experience." Courtney tried to convince them.

"And you didn't think to carry a rope" Eva smirked

After that comment, I could feel Courtney's glare burning holes into my skull.

"Don't mind her ok" Bridgette said "She's just trying not get voted off."

"I know" I muttered, mostly listening to Tyler, Kadie and Sadie announcing that they were gonna pee in the woods so we stopped to wait.

The three finally came back so we started moving again but apparently, a bug bit Courtney.

Just then, Chris came to us on his ATV just as Sadie and Kadie stopped to scratch their butts.

"You guys are like way behind the other team." He said "Like what's the hold up."

"Their butt are itchy" Courtney said as her swollen eye throbbed surprising Chris.

"Ooh my boxers, that's bad" He whined

"Did you guy squat down when you peed?" Bridgette asked the two girls who were vigorously scratching their buts.

"Yeah" Kadie answered

"Did you notice what kind of plant you were squatting over?" I asked

"They were kinda oval shaped and green and all over the place." Sadie said

"You guys squatted over poison ivy." Bridgette said, trying to contain her laugh.

They starred at us with wide eyes before screaming and started rubbing their butts on the sand.

"No way" Chris laughed out loud

"Scratching will only make it worse" Hearing that, they screamed even louder. "But I came prepared with creams but-" I rummages through my survival bag. "I left them in my suitcase and we still have to carry these crates so if-"

And with that, they dashed passed us while pushing their crate and Courtney's at full speeds.

"Wait" Bridgette smirked as she reached into my bag and pulled out a small purse. "Isn't this your cream purse?"

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