Chapter 8: The big sleep (Part 2)

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(Duncan's POV) (23:59:49)

After hours, Their team now had 9 people awake while our team had dropped to 7. Mia being one of them. She fell a sleep in my arms an hour ago. I knew she wouldn't have lasted very long but I knew she really wanted to win. I tried to focus on my bunny to keep me awake but it was kind of annoying me when Courtney is constantly running in place and that dumb pretty boy standing over there.

Suddenly Tyler screamed at the twins before sitting back down.

"What is wrong with you?" I whispered as I took out my headphones and played soft music that always out her to sleep out of Mia's emergence bag and placed them over her eyes before turning to glare at him. "If you wake her up, you'll be missing a vocal cord."

He nod frantically before hiding behind the same girls he screamed at.

"Congratulations campers, you made it to the 24 hour make, time to take it up a notch." Chris said before pulling off the blanket off to reveal a pill of books. "Fairy tales."

That explains Chef standing next to him dressed like a pink sheep with a harp.

"Oh he's not serious" Gwen said as Chris took up a book before clearing his throat as he started reading and Chef followed him by playing the harp before growling.

"Once upon a time, there was inside this boring kingdom" People already started yawning and had a hard time keeping their eyes open. I'm just trying to stop myself from killing the host.


"I've always hated fairy tales." I glared at the camera before shrugging my shoulders. "But hey, at least he came up with another thing to keep me awake."

"A boring village, and inside this boring sleepy village, filled with boring children who did very boring." Chris went on reading in his boring voice for an hour before he got bored.

After Chris left, Chef came back dressed as a ballerina. I would have laughed at how he danced around us if I wasn't so tired. Chef then started throwing what I think is sleeping powder but It was sparkling.

The powder made it even harder to sleep. DJ literally tied himself to a tree but once the powder hit him, he fell asleep, being the tree down with him so that's one more person from own team out.

Since the brainless blonde Lindsay and the nerd girl Beth fell asleep, the teams were now even by 4.

I nuzzled my face into Mia hair, breathing in her sent to try and keep myself awake; pulling her closer, cradling her petite, curvy body in my arms. Her thick wavy brown hair almost made me miss Owen's nude body sleepwalking into the forest night.

"Look at him." Gwen said, looking at Justin who was still a statue. "He hadn't moved in over 50 hours. Oh the concentration."

She touched his face and it shocked everyone when his eyes opened.

"His eye lids are painted! I saw it!" Eva yelled

"No way, I've got to see this!" Chris yelled as he ran over to Justin. "That is so freaking cool but you're still out dude."

And with that, the screaming gophers were down to 3.

By morning, most of the team were sleeping on the ground. I saw mega dork Harold sleeping and with Mia sleeping, I just couldn't pass up a pranking opportunity.

I placed Mia down and after making sure she was comfortable against the stump with the headphone on, I pulled out a cup and a bottle of water from her emergence bag.


"You'd be surprised at how many stuff she has in that bag." I smirked proudly. "I once saw her pull out 2 fold up chairs and 4 containers of food at Anny's baseball game."

With the cub of water, I placed Harold's hand into and watched as he peed his pants.

"Ew gross, dude peed his pants!" I laughed causing him to wake up and run away.

Now, the gopher's still had 3 members awake while we had 2. Goth girl Gwen, Queen bee Heather and Musician Trent vs Eva and I.

"What is the matter with you people?" Chris said before taking a sip of his coffee. "Fall asleep already."

"You gotta hock me up man" Gwen pleaded as she groveled at his feet. "I'll even eat the grinds."

"Alright, you five stay with me. The rest of you go and get shower for heaven sakes, you stink." He said

My attention turned to Mia who rubbed her eyes before getting up, placing the headphones back in her bag.

"You'll be ok right Bunny?" I asked, noticing she was a little wobbly on her feet and dark circle under her drowsy eyes.

"I'll be alright Duncan." She said, giving me a small smile.

"Go take a shower and then go to bed." I said.

"But I" I kissed her forehead to stop her protest.

"Shower and go to bed." she nod slightly before she walked off.

"I didn't want it to come to this but darn it these campers are tough so I've come up with the most boring, sleeping inducing activity I can find." Chris said before puling out a big red book. "The history of Canada. A pop up big. Chapter 1, the beaver, national symbol and a dam fine hat."

We sighed in frustration as he started reading. 10 chapters later, I really had to go to the bathroom. Eva was the first to fall, followed by Heather. Trent was the next 1 that fell.

"No Trent" Gwen said "Don't leave me"

"OK bathroom break. Any takers?" Chris asked

"I've held it this long sweetheart, I could go all day." I bragged to Gwen even though it feels like my bladder is about to burst.

"Yeah but can you hold it for another 10 chapters" she smirked

I knew she was right so I went.

"You got 5 minute as long as you don't mind a little company." Chris said

"Fine, just stay out of the stale." I said to the camera man who nod.

But by the time I got into the stale and sat down, Everything went black.

(Mia-bella's POV)

I was woken up by Bridgette saying that it was time for the elimination cause apparently, we lost because Duncan fell asleep in the bathroom.

At the bon fire I noticed that most of our team mates were glaring at Eva.

"What happened?" I asked Bridgette

"Eva went nuts searching for her MP3 player and started accusing us of stealing it." She said, turning to glare at Eva. "It not secret that she's gonna get voted off."

"You've all cast you votes and made you're decision. There are only 10 marshmallows on this plate. when I call you name, come up and claim your marshmallow." Chris said. "The first marshmallow goes to Duncan, Mia-Bella." Duncan took up both his and mine before coming to sit beside me. "Bridgette, Courtney, Katie and Sadie." The two girls screamed joyfully. "Tyler, DJ, Geoff." And that left Harold and Eva. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening and it goes to-"







"Harold. Eva the dock of shame await."

She glared at Chris angry and kicked his knee before going to the boat.

We cheered at the fact that we were safe.

For now at less.


Thanks for reading

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