Chapter 13: The sucky outdoors (Part 1)

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(3p POV)

"Campers today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills." Chris said to the contestant was all sat on the stumps around the bonfire. "I'm not gonna lie to you, some of you might not come back alive." He then chuckled when he got the shocked reaction he wanted. "Just joking. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's camp sight in the forest. You just have to find it." He took out two maps and two compasses from his bag then throw one to each team leader. Heather caught hers but when Courtney was about to catch hers, Duncan stretched out and caught them before handing them to Bella. "Oh and watch out of bears. Lost a couple of inters in preproduction. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility." He pressed his airhorn signaling the start of the challenge. "Well off you go."

"Did he say there are bears up in?" Leshawna stuttered out.

"Ii had a little encounter with a bear once. Let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantle." Owen said before following a few of his teammate back to camp.

"Duncan, What perfect timing. Look what our family just sent." Bella yelled excitedly, holding two large bag, showing the few contestant left at the bonfire. "Guess who's going glamming tonight."

"What is glamping?" Nick asked, eyeing the two bags with jealousy.

"Well it's like camping but much more homey." Mia-Bella explain.

"By homey you mean.." Duncan came to take both bags from her. "..She means luxury tent, warm bed, solar powered light, yad, yad, yad."

"Oh I want to go glamping with you guys." Lindsay asked excitedly.

"Oh sorry Lindsay. We're on different teams." Mia-Bella said apologetically, before Duncan throw his arm around her shoulders before walking away. "But I wish you luck you guys."

"Ok you too." Lindsay said with a smile.

Once out of earshot, Duncan glanced back with a smirk, seeing the jealous look Nick had before saying, "I see the queen has finally made her move."

"And I see her knight is always a step behind." She smiled up at him innocently.

He chuckled slightly then placed a kiss on her forehead, "Don't call me that." he stated, leading her towards the camp grounds to wait for the lest of their team. 

Finally, everyone was ready to go. With Mia-Bella leading the way, Duncan carrying both large bags easily with the rest of the team following behind the two.

"What are you carrying? Chris said everything we'll need will be at the camp site." Courtney said, coming up behind Mia-Bella to walk with Duncan.

"It's none of your business nosy." Duncan glared at his bossy team mate. "But for your information, knowing Chris, he probable gave us the smallest tent he could find and I wouldn't be happy to wake up facing someone's butt."

Courtney found it hard to contradict his logic and was about to make a retort when she walked right into Mia-Bella's back.

"Hey! Why did you stop!?" Courtney exclaimed. 

"We've got stragglers." Mia-Bella said, before turning around slowly. "Hey Ladies!" She signaled everyone to move out of the way to give her a good view of Kadie and Sadie who had stopped a few feet behind the group. "You two won't want to be left behind in the night...alone.. would you?" With their mouth filled with blueberries, they shook their heads rapidly, grabbed a handful of berries before speeding to catch up with the group. "Thought so." She turned back around to continue walking. "Let's get going."

It didn't take them long to find their camp site and just as Duncan and Mia-Bella suspected, not only was there one tent, it was small and the site had limited supplies.

"It's a good thing Bella brought supplies." Bridgette slightly nudged her friend.

"Ok team, we're burning daylight here. Geoff, Bridgette, Kadie, Sadie, Courtney and I will pitch the tent." Mia-Bella instructed.

"Do you really think it takes six people to pitch one tent?" Courtney asked.

"It will when you're going to pitch my tent." Mia-Bella said, signaling Duncan who dropped both bags. "With me helping, it shouldn't take long." She walked to DJ, placing her hand on his shoulder. "You and Harold will get the firewood and start the fire." She slightly pushed the large male to the other before turned to Duncan who stood waiting for instructions. "And Lastly, since we have to find our own food, you and Tyler can get some fish and anything else you can find." She showed the two the map then pointed in the direction of the river. "There should be a river that way. Just try to get back before we all starve." She took out a small urban arm bag, handing it to Duncan, narrowing her eyes at him. "I'm trusting you with a weapon only for fishing."

"Don't worry Bunny

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"Don't worry Bunny." Duncan smirking pulling her into a hug, whispering into her ear. "I'm assuming everything I need is in the bag?"

"Of course. Move fast, don't lost Tyler and..."

"Don't get caught." Duncan continued, placed a kiss on her forehead before turning to grab Tyler. "Let's go sports jock." 

(A/N>> I found the perfect tent for this story!!)

After a while, the tent was finally up, the fire was lit with three logs around it and Duncan and Tyler had came back before night fall with some grubs, nuts, berries and a fish for each member.

"Wow you pitch a tent like a guy!" Geoff said to Bridgette who was blowing up the last bed. She gave him a weird look causing him to rephrase what he just said, "I mean you're not all girly about getting dirty and stuff."

"Thanks." Bridgette said emotionlessly, before passing him to sit down around the camp fire.

"Looks like the fishes are done." Mia-Bella stated, placing each fish in a plate before handing everyone their plate. "Where's DJ?"

"Hey guys! Look what I found!" Their missing member appeared with a rabbit in his arms. "I think I'm gonna keep him as a pet. I'm calling him bunny."

"Oh really?" Duncan smirked at Mia-Bella.

"Not a word you. Here's your plate DJ." He thanked her before going to sit down. Mia-bella took her seat, snuggling up to Duncan. Taking a deep breath before asking, "Is everything in place?"

With a smirk, he said, "Yes my queen."

Unknown to them, a very nosey Courtney was listening in a on their conversation, narrowing her eyes at the couple.

"Good." Mia-Bella said before standing up and addressing her team, "OK everyone, let's get to bed, the earlier we rest.." No one but Duncan, who had known her since young, could see the mischievous glint in her eye. "The earlier we rise."


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