1 | The One Night Stand

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What exactly am I doing with my life right now? Why did I even agree to be at the club when I am fully well aware that I have to work the next morning? And, how on earth did I even get myself to bed after last night event?

Should I skip work today and call in sick? But if I do that, that old witch will really fire me from Le Stella. I need that job more than ever now. I groaned in pain when the headache finally hits me.

That's what you get for drinking too much when you're well aware you can't even handle a small amount of alcohol. Am I not alone in this bed? Why do I feel someone is actually laying beside me?

Oh no.

Please don't tell me that I had actually given my virtue to this person beside me? I slowly let my eyes see my surrounding and was bewildered by the scene. Why are my clothes scattering on the floor?!

And what's with this luxury room?!

When I look under the sheet, I am completely naked with my body covered with red hickeys. Oh no ... what have I done? Why did I let this happened?! I turned to the person beside me who laid on his front, sleeping soundly. Doesn't he know how bad the situation is?

Who am I kidding, a man never cares about what a woman thinks!

He finally was woken up when I poke on his back. I have to admit that his back does show that I was enjoying myself last night. But still! That is such an improper act that I should've waited until the day I say 'I do' to the man who will take care of me for the rest of his life.

"Good morning." His voice ... sounds familiar for some reason. Is it because we had spent a night together that my drunk self is telling me that I know this man?

"What have you done to me?" I asked.

"What have you done to me?" He asked me back with a hint of amusement.

"I should be the one who asked you that! I can't remember anything that happened last night. Did we ... I can't even finish my own sentences!" He chuckled before got up to a sitting position. My eyes widen when I saw something that a man shouldn't have.

"You're a woman?!" It is smaller than what I have but that is still a pair of breast. Should I be happy about this? Because if she's a woman, my virtue should still be intact, right?

"Hmmm ... not really." His voice is hoarse, like a man even. But we can't hide the fact that she has a pair of breast. She's a woman. That's what I believe until she reveals something a woman shouldn't have. And again, my eyes widen.

"I am what you called ... hermaphroditism. A freak who was born with two genders. Congratulation, you have discovered a human who should be behind glass while those so-called scientists experimented on." She gave me a quick smile before gathering his/her clothes on the floor.

I watched him/her putting on his/her clothes until my eyes noticed something that gives me quite a shock. More shocking than the revelation of how he/she possessed two sets of genital!

"That ring ... you're ... impossible ..." he/she smiled while putting on his or her coat.

"What is it? Do you wish to say something? What's wrong with my ring?" He/she asked with a hint of amusement.

"Only the Imperial family has that ring. That's what we were told in school. For someone like you to possess such a ring, that means you're ... a member of the imperial family," then I realised something I should've moments ago.

"Your feature ... your voice ... you're the emperor, am I correct?" He/she smiled eyes again.

"I am Emperor Alvia of the Gralia Empire. Nice meeting you," he/she bows his/her head to me.

The Emperor's Rose (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now