Tagged agai

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Yo so I was tagged by @LazyAssPerson

Here we gooooooOOoO

Here we gooooooOOoO

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1. I'm a gorl

2. I like to write a lot

3. I'm currently obsessing over my hero academia

4. I'm 5'3"

5. Im starting my first year of college

6. I'm the oldest in my family

7. I listen to a bunch of different types of music from rock, to rap, kpop, pop, Mexican banda, etc but I REFUSE to listen to country

8. I'm multifandomed

9. I'm sort of a night owl

10. I'm Mexican eee eee

Title: tagged again

People tagged:
- Cartoonist_Zee 
- Xxyaoiboyxx
- jaffa-cakes
- @ anyone who wants to do it too

Joke: me

Spoiler for one of my stories: reader will be crying for one of my endings ajdjskaka >:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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