"He'll surprise us all."

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Raising a boy comes with more issues than people usually expect. Boys needed to be taught more even though society deemed it that it should be girls that needed to be taught extra things but Lauren knew better. She knew raising a girl was simple. Raising a girl would mean teaching her to be herself and it was as simple as that. 

It was boys that brought with them challenges and from the moment Lauren found out that she was having a boy...Lauren knew she had her work cut out for her. Because if he was going to be anything like her...he'd be stubborn and he would fight her at every corner and she knew she would be both proud and frustrated at him for it.

Camila stood beside her at every turn and supported her in her moments where she thought she would stuff it up, but when Logan arrived...Lauren knew nothing else mattered but raising this boy to be the man she wished every boy on earth would be.

"How come I can't have a sister?" He was sitting at the dining table with Lauren eating his cereal with a little frown settled on his face and the green-eyed girl almost groaned at how much the boy mirrored her.

"Are you gonna wipe her butt when she poops?"

"Ew, no," The boy sneered, pushing his bowl away from him and Lauren knew that with no food in his mouth, he'd be more chatty. "I think I'd be a good brother though."

"I think," The mother pushed the bowl towards her seven-year-old. "You should finish your breakfast and accept that you're plenty enough for your mother and I."

"I could be less," Logan argued quickly. "If I'm too much, I could be less so I can have a sister."

"Why do you want a sister?" Lauren decided that she wouldn't be getting out of this conversation as easily as she assumed she could. She put her phone down and crossed her arms, arching her brow at the boy before her. 

"My friends have sisters, they always have someone to play with."

"First of all, kid," Lauren sighed. "Sisters aren't just around for you to play with, they're not a toy. They're a person you would have to protect and be there for. Second; just because your friends have things doesn't mean you need them too. You have Leo, love him."

"You have a sister." The way the boy crossed his arms told Lauren she was in for a lengthy chat.

"My sister doesn't talk to me and it's probably better that way."

"Aunt Sofi is Mama's sister."

"Okay, twerp, you really want to talk about having a sibling?"

"I'd be a good brother."

"You'd be a fucking amazing brother," Lauren corrected quickly, she'd argued at an early stage in Logan's life that the boy would be surrounded by her outspokenness, she wouldn't hide who she was from her son and she knew Logan would pick up her language but she also knew that she would teach him the right way to use words like that. "But that doesn't mean your mom and I want another kid. We're happy with just you, we love the family we have and we like that we get to splurge all this love onto you. Look, this isn't to punish you or anything, you know I think you're awesome and can barely do anything wrong in my books, this is just a choice, kid, and you know how I am about choices."

"Everyone should always have them." Logan nodded, this had been embedded into him by now.

"Exactly, think you could respect our choice not to have another kid?"

"I guess," He sighed softly, pulling his bowl to him again and taking a hearty scoop of cereal, only to grimace when he found it to be soggy. "Leo's getting old."

"Hey," Lauren put a finger up to silence her son. "Leo's a seasoned pup, he's in his prime."

"He walks and pees sometimes."

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