Chapter Four

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I didn't realise I had fallen asleep last night while I was going through my phone, deleting unwanted photos from my gallery. My phone was currently dead, being on all night. I leave it on charge as I get up and open my curtains to greet the new day. I go and get changed into an over sized, knitted cream sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. Thanks to the long length of the arm, I found myself gripping the ends of the sweater, adding comfort to my outfit. I head downstairs as I get myself a blood bag from the freezer, enjoying the refreshing beverage. The one thing I've found hard to do is converting from having blood from the vein to blood bags. I have fed directly off humans since the day I became a vampire... And even though my humanity helps with the urge not to feed off humans, I still badly crave it. It's like drinking coffee every morning of everyday for twenty years. Then suddenly, you're not allowed your cup of coffee. Your body would go into a shock. I would tell my brothers but they'd begin to worry I'd go on a killing spree just to ease the urges.

I throw away the now empty blood bag, still hungry for more. I didn't want to overdo it so instead, I grab an apple; shoving it in my mouth before my brain could argue.

"I wasn't expecting you to be up so early" Stefan suddenly enters the kitchen.

"It's like ten?" I question confused.

"Yeah exactly. Seeing you up and out of bed before one, is a worry" He sarcastically states as I roll my eyes at him.

"Anyway, do you have any plans for today?" He questions me as I bite into my apple.

"Not really... Just making sure you and Damon aren't killing each other" I shrug in response.

"Will you be home tonight?" Stefan asks me curiously as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Last time I checked... yeah?" I awkwardly reply. Why is he so invested in my life?

"Cool, cool... Well I'll see you tonight then" He informs me as he turns on his heels, walking off. Well that was fucking weird.

I throw away my half-eaten apple, bored of the same sweet taste. I didn't really have much to do around this town. The only thing that kept me busy was either my rampages, or being with... It doesn't matter, I'll find something to do.


"I'm so boooorrrreeeeddd!!!" I sing throughout the house as I lie on the couch, hanging upside down off the edge.

"Why don't you actually go outside?" Damon asks me as he sits on the opposite seat, flicking through the same book he's had his eyes glued on.

"Oh shit! When did you get there?" I look at him wide eyed as my hand lands on my chest.

"Seriously? We spoke like ten minutes ago?" He confusingly questions me.

"Eh, maybe my brain just blocks out all the irrelevant shit" I smirk at him as he rolls his eyes at my remark.

"So, what does Stefan do now that he's out of school?" I ask Damon as he puts his book down.

"At the moment he's trying to make sure Caroline doesn't spiral out of control" He informs me.

"That's classic Stefan; looking after everyone but himself" I try to put a humorous spin on it, though it was one hundred percent true.

"As long as I don't have to do it, I don't care what he's doing" Damon admits. There is a silence between us once again, giving Damon the opportunity to open his book again.

"I don't understand how I kept myself entertained the last time I was here." I begin to fall out of my upside down position.

"Well, you did have someone keeping you busy" Damon states as I stare at him.

"Someone? I don't recall?" I begin to play dumb as I sit normally on the couch.

"Ana I get why-"

"Damon! Just, stop talking..." I stop him before he could go on any further. There is a brief moment of silence between us, before being interrupted by my phone ringing. I answer, not surprised to hear Stefan on the other side.

"Hello my inferior twin; how may I be of service?" I smirk at my own comment.

"Tonight; seven o'clock. I'm taking you out for drinks" He states with such confidence in his voice.

"Drink till we're blind!?" I almost scream.

"Hell yeah!" I could practically smell the alcohol poisoning.

"See you tonight brother!" I grin to myself as I hang up the phone.

"When did you and Stefan suddenly become best friends?" Damon questions, confused at the fact Stefan and I have gone two days without arguing. Don't worry, I'm just as surprised as he is.

"Who knows? There's just something about him that doesn't seriously piss me off anymore." I shrug as I leave the lounge room, preparing myself for a shower. I was actually kind of relieved Stefan was taking the time out of his life to spend time with me. It's helped keep my mind off, he who shall not be named... I didn't think I could miss someone this much. But I hope this feeling leaves soon.

- -- - -- - -- - --

I sit on my bed, listening to songs from the early 1900's. I liked their slow, almost eerie music. It brought me peace, to others, it was unsettling. I've been thinking about it a lot; about Elijah... I really don't need him in my life. In fact, I think I'm better without him I'm strong, smart; hell, I'm a vampire for god sakes! So it's settled; I don't need him and he doesn't need me.

I get a sudden text from Stefan asking how soon I'd be ready. I quickly get ready only really taking time on what I was going to wear. I decide on a nice red lace one piece in which I wear high waisted black jeans over the top of. Now, I know what you're thinking; why are you wearing something like that when you're going out for a drink with your brother? Because, I need to distract my mind off well... you know, and what better way than hooking up with some random! I'm sure Stefan will understand... Maybe..?

I run my hand through my hair before slipping my shoes on, mid high black heels. I grab my phone before wandering downstairs. I was kind of proud of myself. I know I shouldn't be proud about being a bit of a hoe, but I'm proud that I can just command myself to stop thinking one thing and think something else. I walk along the wall that leads to the lounge room.

"Okay brother, I challenge you to a drinking game" I say as I walk into the lounge room, my eyes briefly scanning what messages lay before me on my phone. 

"First one to pass out lo-" I look up causing me to stop my sentence early. 


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