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Kumo's POV

Laughing, children running and playing and I'm stuck in the damn walls of a castle. Granted, I'm very fortunate for my position in society it's just... It's lonely and boring and I don't have any friends, gee I'm not even aloud to leave the castle gates let alone the building itself.

Sometimes I wish that I had a peasant life, I could learn about all the different types of magic not just royal magic. Even though I'm not one for large crowds I wouldn't mind having one or two friends ya know?

I gave up on trying to escape a week ago, well pretending to. I'm slowly forming a plan to escape into one of the smaller towns, near the border. Let's just hope my calculations are right and the guards come around every half an hour.

I go into the closet and grab the bag I had packed a few days ago, it contained all the essential necessities you'd need to survive in the streets of crantish, Lain's capital civilisation.

I act the same as I always do when trying to pass the time until I leave, I hear the signal knock from my little brother. "Come in", I say calmly just in case it's a guard or my parents.

Just as I thought my little brother walks in, "hi Kumo!", he says giggling afterwards. "hey Blaire, how are you on this fine day", I state with a slight bow. He playfully punched me in the shoulder, "how dare you bow so man like, your supposed to curtsey like the beautiful princess you are", Blaire squeaks in a mimic of mother and father. "yes oh wise one", I curtsey as he had told me too.

He burst into a fit of giggles as I tickle his sides, "s-s-stop i-it!" he squeals through laughter. "only if you kneel before your older sister" I point towards the floor as I order him to kneel, he obeys and kneels before me. I pet him on the head, "good child".

He quickly snaps back into reality, "everything is in place... And ready for you to escape" I almost feel guilty for him, I'm going into the real world while he's here to become future king. "don't worry bro, I'll send you suverniers from the places I travel to, I might get you a foreign critter aswell" I say as I boop his nose, "don't boop the snoot!" he yells. I erupt into a short fit of laughter from how childish he is.

"bye Blaire, good luck with becoming king", he smiles sadly, "bye bye sis, have fun in the big wide world... Don't get too lonely" he smiles cheekily. "I got you this as well, it's from that market place mother always talks about".

He hands me a bag, inside holds an egg of which I've never seen. "it's beautiful, I'll take incredible care of it", I reach into my pocket and grab out a necklace, the beads on the necklace are known as a symbol of luck in Lain. And it's his favourite critters, usualy from Cumbus sea, and the main charm consists of a love heart. Engraved on the heart was a message.

Those who open their hearts will experience all of the options life has in store.

I run quickly and quietly through the halls of the palace, I avoid every guard just as calculated, no guards were around the path I took thanks to my week of preparation. Finally after five years I'm free, I'm actually doing it, I'm not ever coming back.

Rin's POV

Duck, swerve, dodge, jump, up and over. I continue to sprint through the streets, trying to outrun angry citizens on my way to school. It's been a literal war zone ever since Animalia had fallen, some even say her power, along with Animale's, had been given to two creatures. Who those creatures are, no one knows.

I was so close to the gates I could literally hear the voices of students, when I bumped into someone.

He turned around to face me, he was a creature. He glared at me angrily before taking the form of his anicrit, a Spiken.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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