Apologies ( CH10 )

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Doing patrols are Peter's distraction , usually he would help old ladies cross the road , prevent a bike from getting stolen and his all time favourite the praises and cheers from the people below him . Instead of hearing cheers from Spiderman fans , he heard a gunshot happen around a corner . The kid immedeltly got to his feet , turned sharply and swung to where the shot was heard . In other people's view , Spiderman was just swinging to where crime is happening , fearless , mighty and powerful . Unfortunately in Peter's mind he was panicking , what if he saw a dead body there , what if the person was someone he loved , what if Peter couldn't make it there in time ? In just a few minutes he reached there , it had been his fastest record for going to where crime is happening . Spiderman couldn't stand another crime getaway , Agent Parker couldn't stand losing and Peter couldn't stand losing anyone again after his aunt passed away because three of them were too slow . As he turned around the corner another gunshot rang in his head , he immedeltly webbed the mugger's gun towards himself and jumped towards danger gracefully . " Pick on someone your own size ! " the webhead yelled to the mugger . " I just said that . " a familiar voice told Peter . Spiderman turned and saw his classmate , MJ . She had told him to call her MJ after the decathlon meeting that announced her as the new captain because of a reasonable reason of ' only her friends call her MJ ' . Peter had considered her as a friend so MJ it is .

Peter was panicking right now , his friend was in a middle of a mugging . Behind her was a knife and a few bullet holes but everyone in the alley was uninjured and fine , just a little frightened . MJ couldn't have dodged the bullets can she ? A snap of fingers was snapping in front of his face right now , MJ was snaping her fingers to bring Spiderman back to attention but Peter was currently not working right . He felt like all of his body parts were broken , the screws were losen , his heart rate rising then slowing , everything around him is in slow motion . Peter is having an inner panic attack and all he has is a Spider and an Agent , both of them got no idea what to do . Realisation was brought back in a minor of seconds , he webbed the mugger up and asked Karen to call the police . After talking with Michelle for a few moments he swung back home , well...... he kinda did .

Ned opened the door , of course he did it was his home after all . He looked surprised at first then relaxed then concerned . " Dude can I stay at your place of just a while ? " the unmasked hero asked Ned Leeds . Of course Peter said ' a while ' didn't meant ' a while ' , it had meant a couple of weeks before the Avengers stopped looking for Peter Parker , Spiderman and Agent Parker , all they could do now is wait .

In Ned's room Peter was busy stuffing in some clothes to Ned's closet . The door of Ned's bedroom closed , the guy in the chair walked in licking a popsicle , he held up the half - licked popsicle to Peter and he rejected it . " Dude we're best friends tell me what's wrong . " Ned told the broken teenager beside him . Peter couldn't helped but break down , he is a superhero but superheroes don't let their emotions take over them , but Peter , agent Parker and Spiderman are connected , one of them breaks down the others follow . Soon the room was filled with small whines , Peter told his best friend everything , from his origin story till his Aunt May's death . Ned just listened he didn't try to reason with his facts , he didn't . After Peter had finished his life long speech he waited for a while then nodded , it gave Ned the right to ask questions . " So Nick Fury took you in after Aunt May's death to tell you your parents are Shield's agents and he sent them off to a secret Hydra lair in Bali to destroy the base and they never came home , only to tell you after a year with them ? " Ned asked Peter all in one breath . Peter nodded . " That's harsh . " Ned told him . " Maybe Nick Fury just wanted to apologise ? No body could actually know what would happen right ? " Ned continued asking him . " Only after a year !? He could have told me once he asked me to join Shield ! But why didn't he ?! " the assassin told his friend . " Why didn't he ? "

That night was the worst night of his life . All of his instincts were telling him to apologise to the Director of Shield , but three of them didn't want to . Not Spiderman , not Agent Parker and mostly not Peter . The pirate just had to deal with his own mistakes .

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