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*Mysterious girl POV*

It was chill night.

A girl was walking in a park alone, searching for some inspiration for her songs and poems. When she finally felt the vibe, she took out a notebook and a pen from her little bag and started writing what she had in mind.


It hurts me to think I have no body, it hurts me to think I'm invisible to myself.
Me is you,
you is me.
Please accept my love and start noticing me.
If you do I will be in heaven,
if you do I will give you much more than anyone.
If u do I will stop breaking me apart, if u do I will make you forever mine.


Here I am again, waiting for something new. Always staying there, searching something good.
Did you knew, I had been there? Did you saw me once? I did felt your presence, but was too weak to show up.
I tried to reach (for your hand),
I tried to believe (in myself).
I tried to give (the best of me),
I tried to leave (but got stuck in here).

And at this moment when she wanted to finish her song, something in her made her cry.
She felt pain, big pain in her heart at the thought of being alone in this shit.

She don't have friends at all.
All of them are after her father's money and fame, her parents were too busy to listen to her worries and stuff and, what she thought is true, she's too ugly, too stupid and too fat to find someone.

Only once she had a boyfriend, but he was a dick. The biggest dick head she met in her 15 years of life. He totally broke her, he made her do so much bad things that she almost committed suicide. She remembers the look on his face when she laid on a floor with bloody wrists and a big pack of different pain killers.
It was so hard to live, so death was the best solution to her back then.

Now, she's 17 and even tho she's still broken inside, she learned that killing herself wasn't a good idea and that it was very stupid of her to think that no one wanted her or no one loved her because her parents care for her a lot, that's why they work that much to give her all of things she wants and to give her the best people to watch after her when she goes out, so no one can hurt her. She was thankful for that, but she preferred her parents to be around, not strangers who she didn't knew.

She hoped that she will find some friends or just one that she can trust and love. She never experienced true love, so to say 'I love you' is really really hard.

But the biggest hard thing for her is to face a hardness of reality that the life has in hold.

"Stay strong and think positive.
Smile and don't show your weakness.
Try to smile everyday, so one day you can have everything you want.
Be good to people, but only for those who deserves it.
And don't forget that everyone has 'the one' somewhere there, you just need to be patient" - she replayed her grandmas' words, quietly under her nose thinking that no one heard her because it's very late at night.

But little did she knew that this one specific girl heard every single word she said.


Hello there my little angels!
I hope that you all like my new gxg book and that you'll forget me the mistakes I made.
I promise to add one chapter every Monday from now on because I finally scheduled my every week for the next month.
But if something would come up, something that is really really urged I will add a chapter day or two before or after.
Thank you so much for supporting my books and for just being here.

*whispering* Oh and before I'll go, please support and love this beautiful man and his band called The Rose

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*whispering* Oh and before I'll go, please support and love this beautiful man and his band called The Rose. They're amazingly breathtakingly talented and they need a looooot of more love and attention.
Oh, and the last, but not the last, please support this man right here👇cause he just dropped his first single album called "Wolf".

Oh, and the last, but not the last, please support this man right here👇cause he just dropped his first single album called "Wolf"

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