Chapter 12 Fake, Fake, Fake

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"Mr Jackson I have already told you that Mr Jeffers is unavailable, You will need to make an appointment like everyone else" Minnie looked to the electronic calendar "I have a slot in two weeks time Monday fortnight 9.30 am" she kept her words strong, the little prick was invading her space.

He could, as far as she was concerned take his Armani knock-off suit and fake loafers that all screamed little phallus and fuck off out of her space. The man had tried frequently to get at Rowland when she wasn't around and now he was just being inappropriate.

Blain thought to himself, who does this little blonde cunt thing she is? He was in half a mind to fold her over the desk and drop those silky little panties and plunge home. She waved her hand in his face and he grabbed hold, hard enough he could feel the small bones under his hand.

The smug look on his face was fast replaced when he felt a vice grip bite down on his arm. The explosion of pain forcing him to release her before he was bodily tossed aside like an unwanted toy. "What the hell?" he squeaked more effeminate than he would have liked.

He came up swearing and cursing to be confronted by an enraged Toku, suddenly feeling lucky, he knew what that big man could do.

"Nice move fucker, you are going to jail" Blain looked as though he was going to crow like Peter Pan "then who will protect that slut of yours."

Toku was standing cradling Minnie's wrist, her arm looked so small in his massive hands.

Minnie heard the threat and before Toku could do anything to stop her, she had skirted him and was poking Blain Jackson in the chest with her other hand.

"Like hell I'm having you up on assault charges, Toku removed that threat. Don't fuck with me, Mr Jackson."

Rowland knew Blain was in his outer office, Minnie had told him in no uncertain terms to 'keep his cute arse at his desk and that she would get rid of him' but the noise had become a disturbance and it was time for him to either save Minnie or save Blain.

Rowland opened the door seeing that Minnie looked like she was ready to shoot someone and Toku looked as though he would rip Blain apart.

"Minnie, you all right?" She didn't turn to look at Rowland just stood her ground.

"I'm okay, Boss Man; I just need to take out some trash." she answered.

"Want to tell me what's going on?" Rowland could hear the strain in Minnie's Voice.

"Just Mr Jackson not taking NO for an answer and Mr Ngiha is here for his appointment. You better go in so you don't start running late. I'll be in to take notes in a minute." Minnie directed.

Rowland knew that tone she had something to say to Blain in private. Rowland indicated to Toku that he should follow. Toku looked as though he was not going anywhere.

"She will be all right Toku, can't say the same for Blain though." Rowland spoke just loud enough to reach Minnie's ears.

Minnie snorted Toku reluctantly followed.

Blain thought he was getting off lucky, at Yale he had been on the end of Rowland's fists a few times in the Uni's boxing matches. Lucky that is until Minnie struck him in the throat and then brought her knee up to connect with his groin at the same time. He crumpled to the floor at her feet. Grabbing his oh so fake silk tie she dragged his head up, so they were nose to nose.

"Mr Jackson, I will tell you this only once..... where you grabbed me has been caught on camera," she indicated over her shoulder to the small dome security devices, before continuing "you even think about making a complaint, you will find your dick-less portrait all over the front page of the New York Times and I will have you up on assault charges. Then I will track down every other girl you have ever touched and convince them to press charges too" with a sweetness that was almost scary. "Stay away from me and my boss if not. I will let my daddy and brothers deal with you."

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