Chapter 2 Her Way

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Woven with the grief and loss of his father, several weeks later Rowland found he was still adrift in thoughts of the exotic Miss Kingstone; It had been years since he had found himself curious about any woman. His first wife had been a beauty queen with a manipulative streak the breadth of the Mississippi River. 

Their marriage was nothing like the true love story he had seen between his mother and father and it was a great relief to all except Miss America when it was ended. Her habitual sulking and tantrums were more in keeping with that of a child than a fully grown woman; she was rich, spoilt and entitled, relying on her looks to turn a situation to her own ends.

Rowland was grateful for the support of his family and especially for Quade's insistence on a pre-nuptial agreement. His brother saw something he had not; It was a very messy five years that caused him to be gun shy of any woman. Most were too obvious, none intrigued or tantalised him.

One had even explained in great detail what a catch he was. He had power, position, wealth, and it had not harmed his case that he was handsome too. Their conversation left him feeling like some stallion in a stud auction. So he concentrated on his career and was highly suspicious of any woman that would show interest.

Though now he found himself tapping into his extensive resources to find out more about Alexia, no mean feat according to his department's private investigator. The man had provided little more than basic information that Miss Kingstone had opened her studio Dark Angel Creations in New York City some years ago the warehouse building was also her home. She had a dramatic influence on the arts scene and was now well known for her philanthropic endeavours and creating high-end men's jewellery.

The investigator had told him it looked as though his father had met her at a charity event for Young Veterans suffering the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She had donated several pieces of jewellery that were auctioned and raised over a quarter of a million dollars. From the records, this seemed to be a cause she devoted a lot of time and money to.

He had also found out she was to be a special guest at an upcoming charity event in a week's time.

He called to his secretary "Minnie, get me the Secretary for the Philanthropic Board."

"Yes, Boss Man." Rowland chuckled at Minnie's response he knew she would be rolling her eyes at him and smiling. Minnie Williams was young smart and dedicated the fact that she was pretty was not a bad thing. An attribute he knew she had used on more than one judge or court official to get her job done. Thank god for Minnie's minis, he thought.

With daft efficiency Minnie connected the call, "Secretary - Line 1."

The conversation was brief and within a few minutes he had not only organised a ticket but arranged to be seated right beside Miss Kingstone at the gala event.


In the meantime His father's will had been read, Due to his grandfathers and fathers prudent investments there was a substantial portfolio. This left a substantial inheritance for Rowland and his brothers. As the eldest son, Rowland would inherit the family home as trustee, the other assets were to be divided evenly between the Jeffers' boys.

There were a few bequeststo various organisations and then there was the trust for Miss Kingstone, avery sizable one of which Rowland wanted to see through. His brothers hadbeen curious over Miss Kingstone but none really cared at this stage they weremore interested in knowing who she was. He had promised that once he knewmore, they would.

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