Cheater (2)

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It took me a while to get the energy to finally go back home. I've gotten countless calls and messages from people. I expected Billie and Ally to keep it a secret for now but I should've known better. Of course Billie would tell everyone she finally got rid of me. I knew she never really loved me.

The drive back was just quiet, none of my music was worth listening to because I was too deep in my thoughts. I had no idea what awaited for me when I got there. I'm certainly not going to my apartment with Billie. I didn't want to talk to anyone but I know that if I don't I'll only make things worse.

I decided on going to Ally's house since I knew she was worried about me. Besides, I think she's the only one worth talking to at the moment. She was gonna try and talk about everything and probably make me food. I'll gladly accept the food but I don't think I'm in the talking mood. 

After pulling up in Ally's driveway I had to mentally prepare myself for the talk that was going to be had. I know that I'll probably cry a lot during it so I wanted to get myself ready for it. I got out of my car and walked up to her door. I could hear voices inside, I'm guessing the tv is on. I had a key to her house so I just walked in the door. 

To my surprise, on the couch was the one person I did not want to see every again. She looked at me with tears in her own eyes and covered her mouth to try and stop the crying. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen. I could already feel myself choking on my tears.

"I know you don't want to see her right now, but I think you guys should talk about where this leaves you guys." I heard Ally speak softly from behind me.

"You're right, I don't want to see her. Why is she even here? Are you not mad at her for what she did to me?" I was confused as to why she was pushing me to talk to her.

"I am furious but that doesn't mean the girl isn't hurting also." She tried

"Oh really? Well she didn't look that hurt when that guy was eating her out like it was his last meal." I was tired of her defending Billie like she didn't do anything wrong. I should be the one on the couch in tears with Ally comforting me, not her.

"You're so fucking stubborn sometimes." She spoke. I was surprised that she cursed. That always meant she was super serious whenever she did.

"Woah, Ally chill out alright. I'll go talk to her but this is the last time." I stomped away back towards the couch and plopped down as far away from Billie as possible. I didn't look at her. It hurt too much.

"I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be. But I promise you it was a mistake and it'll never happen again." She turned her whole body towards me. 

"I don't think you understand so let me help you. I loved you with everything in me. I would've given you the world if you asked. I loved everything about you. You're beautiful ocean eyes, that amazing smile, The way you close your eyes when you laugh super hard. I could stare at you for hours and never get bored." Her eyes started to water again as she looked down at her feet. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

"I could hold you in my arms and be the happiest and most content person in the world. I would've done anything for you. But now, those ocean eyes aren't the same anymore. You're smile does nothing more than hurt me now. I can't hold you the way I want to. I can barely look at you without seeing him. I can't love you anymore, for the sake of me." The tears started to fall from my eyes. I know what I have to do.

"Maybe in another time we could be together again. Right now it's just too much pain, and I don't think I can take anymore pain. It's gonna take some time for me to be able to be around you again. Until then focus on getting your shit together and figure out what you really want since it's obvious it's not me." I got up and walked over to her. I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. I gave her a watery smile and grabbed her hand. 

"Goodbye Bil. I love you." I squeezed her hand once more and let go. I started walking up Ally's stairs and stopped once I was out of sight. I could hear Billie sobbing now, and Ally rushing out of the kitchen to comfort her. I would give anything to run to her and hold her but I knew I couldn't. Not yet at least. I turned and continued up the stairs, going into one of Ally's spare bedrooms. I curled up again and sobbed myself to sleep once more.

This is sad as shit bro


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