Cheater (3)

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Billie's POV

I genuinely feel like shit. I shouldn't have done that to her.

It was honestly a mistake. That lasted 3 months. What the fuck was I thinking? Y/n was the best thing in my life and I ruined it.

For what?

I'd do anything to get her back. I don't deserve a second chance but I know damn well I'm gonna try.

I've been talking to Ally for a while just to check up on Y/n. She tells me she's fine but I know my baby.

I know the love we once shared, it was strong and good. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick all over again. I need her in my life. I won't let her slip away like this.

I got out of my bed for the first time in a while and looked in the mirror. I looked like a mess, I've been crying and refusing to leave my room.

I start the shower and pick out some clothes. I hop in the shower and stand in the hot water for a while. It feels nice to have something other than my sheets touch my skin.

After some time in the shower I get out. Brushing my teeth I fight the urge to cry again. She's all I think about now.

I wonder if she's moved on?

Y/n's POV

"Ok I'll see you later then?" The random girl asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

It was weird not having Billie with me. This was our favorite spot to chill at. They had an old jukebox in the corner.

It was the first place we met. It was special to us and brought so much joy. Now it only Bering a me pain and sorrow.

Fuck this place.

I sat in the booth by myself after the girl left. She just sat down and started talking. I don't know what her name was. I'm sure she said it but my mind has been elsewhere for some time now.

I miss her. I know I shouldn't but I do. I know Ally still talks to her about me. I hear their conversations sometimes.

I wanna sit and talk to her. Last time I wasn't really listening because I didn't want to. I didn't want to hear the excuses. But now I'd listen to anything she said if I could just hear her voice again.

"You okay?" I looked up and saw the owner.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I smiled and looked at the plate I order a while ago. I hadn't eaten any of it.

"Is it that bad. I thought you liked my cooking" He laughed.

"I do, just a lot in my mind right now." I smiled.

"Well I can get that to go if you want?" He asked.

"Yeah that would be great thanks." I looked down at the plate again nodding.

"Sure. Hey, what happened to Bil. Why isn't she with you?" He asked. I didn't have the heart to tell him because he loved us together.

"She wasn't feeling well." I lied. He tiled his head in suspicion but nodded and walked away.

I sighed in relief before pulling out my phone. I went to the contacts and searched for her name.


I debated whether I should call or not. Maybe us being apart was for the best. I can't just let 3 months of cheating be forgiven that easily.

And if she were to do it again. I might not survive it. I'm not emotionally stable for anything right now.

I put my phone away before the owner came back and handed me some boxes. I thanked him, payed and started to walk back home.

It wasn't far from my place so we usually walked because we were always together.

Late nights were the best. We'd goof off on the walk over here just to turn up the jukebox when we got there and danced until our food came. The walk back was no different from the walk there. Except for that fact that we'd both have ice cream in our hands. Laughing and singing the songs we played on the jukebox.

When we got back we'd turn on some movies and cuddled until we fell asleep. It was a regular routine for us.

Going to the door of my place I pulled my keys out ready to unlock the door. To my surprise I found her there. We locked eyes and my heart stopped. I could tell she was crying and that she's been there for a while.

I walked closer and she stood up once I was in front of her. We kept looking at each other before I stopped closer and wrapped my arms around her.

Her arms instantly went around me and we just held each other for a while.

I walked us inside and we sat in the couch. We didn't say anything and didn't look at each other.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. I looked at her and then down to the floor.

"Stop saying that." I sighed.

"I can't." She shook her head and got closer.

"There's nothing I can say to justify my actions and I will never stop trying to prove that I'm sorry for everything." She grabbed my hand. I looked at our hands before tearing up.

"I can't be with you again. Not for a while at least. But I need you Ik my life. So if it's okay with you, I'd like to be friends until I'm okay again." I removed my hand from hers.

She looked down and nodded her head. I could hear the sniffle she tried to hide.

"Okay. Anything for you. I love you." She moved away.

"I know."

"I love you too."

Wow that's nice. I know someone wanted another part so here. Also a lot of you liked Code 002 so I'll def do another part. And I'm working on another part of Closer so be prepared to be well fed for a while.

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