One Step for Man, One Bigger Step for Weebs

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Endius: Have you ever looked into your mirror while eating a pop tart wondering, who the fuck ate the other pop tart? Well that's has nothing to do with the story so please enjoy. I don't own anything~ 😐

Izuku groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He laid their as he slowly took in his room again. It really reflects on his personality. It was covered in poster of video games he loves, anime action figures and a few hero merchandise here and there but mostly video games. Now in another life he might of dedicated his life in being a hero but after a lifetime, or in his short life time, he realized how illogical it was.

No one supported him, he was quirkless, no friends, quirkless, bullied every day, still quirkless, no fighting experience, quirkless, no gym takes his kind, quirkless,Quirkless, QUIRKLESS, FUCKING QUIRKLESS.

Izuku smiled.

It was fine.

He got up and went to do his daily ritual. Getting ready for another day of being dead inside. He got into the shower and sighed as he felt his muscles loosen a bit from the hot water. He got dry and dress for another day of school. As he was eating breakfast he felt a tingle in the back of his head but chose to ignore it. He sighed as he finished and went to wash his plate when he looked up and saw a glowing blue screen.

Inko hummed as she finished her plate and saw Izuku frozen and staring at something. " Izu? Are you okay?" He gave her a nod. " Oh um yeah. I was just thinking. Got to go mom. School is starting soon." He rushed off and went through the door. Once outside he looked at the glowing screen in front of him.

You had a refreshing morning! Max Health increased for 3 hours!

" WHAT...WHAT THE FUCK!?" He swiped at the screen and it disappeared. " What the hell. Before another screen popped up.

Hello GAMER! Thank you for participating in unlocking your new ability: GAMER WORLD. You have been chosen from 7,200,475,000 people on this planet to wield this power. This is not a quirk but a power even greater!

Izuku jaw dropped as he stared at the screen. He read it about a hundred times when it finally hit him that this was legit. " B-But why me!?"

Would you like a tutorial? [Yes]/ [No]

He hummed and pressed yes. The screen blinked before it turned into tabs.

-Skill Tree

" That's...this is too much. A power that's greater than a quirk? Welp. Seeing as I don't have much to lose... give me the breakdown."


When the age of quirks was born a great influx of energy created by the quirks were collected and contained into a single point. Quirks are created when the Alpha Gene was developed into humans but the energy that created the Alpha Genes were made by a machine. A single machine that absorbed about 200,000,000 Kilograms of radiation from every type as well as 200,000,000 kilograms of every type of electromagnetic waves. The machine was destroyed once releasing all the build up energy but what no one knew was the energy mutated the radiation and electromagnetic waves to fuse together and create a sentient form of the Alpha Gene known as the Anima. The Anima sought out a vessel to call home only to end up trapped into a game console trapped into a time capsule send into space as a anniversary event in the year 20XX. In the console the Anima learned and absorbed all form of data and energy in the console thus creating the RPG like system in the Anima. Finally after the vacuum of space eroded away the capsule it went back to Earth with a new 'mindset'. With this new view it sought out a vessel to create a game out of their life. After trying multiple times it discovered that the quirkless were the only compatible vessels as infusing it self with a vessel with a quirk will only make them...brutally imploded until their nothing but a pile of flesh, muscle, bone and blood. The other issue is the ability to handle the mental strain the system with breaking their minds into powder glass. Then comes you, Midoriya Izuku. The quirkless with the mentally of a hero, mentality of a professor and also a closet case weeb. You are 99.9998% compatible with the Anima. The reason for not being 100% is due too your age, which is a month less then the Anima wanted.

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