Blaze On!

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Endius: The winner of the first voting is Star Blazer! By a landslide. It goes from

1. Star Blazer - 7 votes

2. Spirit Arts - 5 votes

3. Mystic Swordsman - 4 votes

4. Tamer - 3 Votes

5. Gunslinger - votes 2

-Vote closed with these as the result!

(This is me from 2020 of May 18th: Some people still voted even though the votes were closed so I decided that later on in the story, the second place pick will be included.
So keep voting! Which ever hits 20 votes wins!)

I was honestly surprised! I thought gunslinger would be higher but mystic swordsman blasted through it and Tamer. So Star Blazer will be the choice of Izuku! Now for this chapters vote will be revealed in the end as for future votes. I don't own anything and enjoy~

"Star Blazer," he shouted as he chose the option. A blinding light surrounded him and he felt a great rush of power fill him. He felt his body change to fit his new role and heard the voice of a angel rang through his head.

Blessed child of the stars...

You have such dedication in you that deems you worthy of our power...

Use the power of the stars to smite down the corruption that fills in the heart of people...

We shall be watching you Midoriya Izuku.

He gasp as he snapped his eyes open as he was brought back down from his power high. He pulled out his phone and turned on his camera to see any changes. What he saw made him grin like a absolute loon. His eyes once emerald green eyes were now a
reflection of space with its many stars. " Status."

Name: Midoriya Izuku
Title: No F***k Master* (New Title Available)
Level: 1 (0/1000)
Hp: 110/110
Mp: 0/0 (Must learn a spell/martial art)
Stamina: 110/110
Vitality: 8
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 7
Intelligence: 45
Wisdom: 15
Agility: 8
Endurance: 8
Luck: U̶N̞̫̘̯̬ͅK͖͇̹̦N̳̼O͔̞͕̳̠ͅW͖̥̟̦̫͡N


Gamer Mind: Your mind is part of you and you are part of your mind. Always keep a calm mind and any mental affecting status affects are negated. Takes time the stronger the status effect is.
Lvl: MAX

Gamer Body: Your body is part of you and you are part of your body. Your body is more resilient to life inflicting injuries and effects. Resting fully recovers Hp, Mp, Stamina. Recovery is reduce the more poor the sleeping arrangement is.
Lvl: MAX

Nerd: Your greatest tool is your mind and intellect. 10% EXP gain to Intelligence and Wisdom.
Lvl: : 8 EXP [230/550]

Star Child: The stars has granted you worthy of their blessing. During the night, vitality and endurance increase by 20%.
Lvl: MAX

He grinned. He can work with this. That is until he saw the time. "Oh shit I'm gonna be late! Wait I think I can make it if I use [Star Burst]. Okay...let's see how good this is!" Crossing his arms over his chest in a X formation.

[Star Burst]!

His body erupted in a fiery aura as he felt himself get stronger. Around him was a blaze of a aurora of colors that lit up with while light particles surrounded him. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

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