‧₊ ꗃ ⨟ 𓋰 . . . 𝗐𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝗍 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖾𝖽 ¹

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"AH, MY PALMS ARE SWEATING" ALANA MUMBLED WHICH MADE THE CAMERAMAN CHUCKLE AT THE YOUNG FEMALE. "Don't laugh me, do you have a tissue? I don't wanna shake my hands with my husband with sweaty hands." Alana blurted out which got a no in the result. She pouted and looked down at her shoes, the camera crew silently laughing at her for being nervous.

Footsteps were heard and she heard a bit muttering from afar. Alana waited for the gate to open, anxiously biting her lip. "I wonder who he is?" She mumbles to herself.

The gate opened and Alana shyly turned around, scared to face her virtual husband. She heard his deep gentle voice talking to the camera and stopped when he saw her back. He walked over to her, hands on his back, smiling softly.

"Alana-sshi?" Her eyes widened as her cheeks reddened. She turned around, only to be met with his handsome face. She nodded, too shy to speak.

Taehyung let out a chuckle at her reaction. He found it very cute. "Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung, it's nice to meet you," he introduced himself with a wink.

Alana giggled, "I'm A-Alana, it's nice to meet you!" She bubbled, putting a few hair strands away from her face, giving him a soft smile.

"Let's take it slow, have a seat," Taehyung offered. Alana nodded and pulled a chair for him to sit down but he shook his head. "Alana, I'm the husband, I should be doing that," he explained while crossing his arms.

"Ah.." she nodded, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. He pulled a chair in front of her and she sat down, "Thank you, Oppa," she said lightly.

The staff couldn't stop laughing as they saw the shy version of her when Taehyung pulled a chair out for her.

"How are you, Alana?"

"I'm good, thank you!" She replied, playing with her sweater. "And you? You look tired, did you get enough sleep last night?" Alana stumbled out.

He was taken back for a few seconds but smiled, "I'm fine, I slept for a few hours, we had rehearsal until 5 AM."

"Oh, are you sure you can film today, Oppa? You must be very tired." She worried, having a frown on her face.

The producer coughed, "Alana, Taehyung is not your son, he's your husband!" Alana glared at the producer and gave him a slight nod.

"Um, since we're married now," Alana changed the subject, "What should we call each other?" She asked, awkwardly smiling.

"Whatever you want, love," He answered, smiling at the fact that he easily makes her flustered. Alana hummed, looking down.

The silence between the pair was awkward. Thinking of something to say, she said the first thing that came to mind. "Your face is nice." Looking over at him she hopes that he hadn't heard what she said.

"Uh thank you," he said laughing. Looking down at her feet in embarrassment. Feeling his fingers lift her chin she looks up to meet his worry filled eyes. "You don't need to be embarrassed, jagiya," he says pulling her into a hug. It takes a while for her to process what had happened before she returns the hug.

Both of them pull away and he grabs her by the hand, pulling her to the living room.

I could get used to this

Alana was snuggled up on the couch, catching up on the TV they had missed. Taehyung was sat up against the armrest of the couch while she was leaning into him completely. His arms were keeping her close to him while she rested her head against his chest.

An idea pops into his mind. He stood up from the couch with a grin on his face. "We're going out," He sang and picked her up, carrying her. Alana gasped, laughing.

"W-What are you doing, Oppa put me down," she begs, laughing. He ignored her and opened the door, walking outside.

"Can't do, baby girl, you just have to wait and see,"

Alana's eyes grew wide and shook her head, "Ok then," she eventually gave up and leaned her head into his neck, feeling his warmth.

"An amusement park!" Alana shouted with excitement, grabbing Taehyung's hand, guiding him to the carousel. She picks her favorite horse and suddenly lost the sight of him.

Before the ride starts, she felt a weight on the back of the horse. "Oppa, what are you doing?" She asked with a giggle.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm riding a carousel." After the ride he suggests that they should get some food.

"What do you want," Alana asks him looking at the many food options.

"I'm okay with whatever."

"Just whatever? That's not really helpful."

"Well, what do you want?"

"I don't really know," she replied, looking down at her shoes.

"Stop doing that, every time you look down I don't get to see your beautiful eyes." His words cause her to blush and she skips off towards the hot dogs.

"We'll have two please," she said to the lady working the counter. She smiles at the pair. "It's so nice to see such a young couple enjoying themselves," she says handing over the hot dogs. Alana and Taehyung thank her before heading out.

"I really enjoyed today. I can't wait to see you again."

"I'm really glad that you're my husband." Taehyung leans down and kisses her forehead, "Me too, love, me too."

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