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-ˏˋ [ ༉‧₊°  ── BTS ] ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋ [ ‧₊° ── BTS ] ˊˎ-

"AILA, OVER HERE!" KIM TAEHYUNG YELLED OUT TO THE FEMALE WITH A BIG GRIN ON HIS FACE. Joy looked over at him with a chuckle and elbowed Alana on her side, which caused her to stop the conversation she had with Seulgi, looking at her with annoyance.

"What?" Alana scowled, eyebrows furrowed with confusion. Joy rolled her eyes and gestured her hand towards Taehyung, who was sitting with his bandmembers, looking at Alana with a cheeky smile. Alana averted her gaze from Joy and turned her head to see Taehyung and the others waving at her. She smiled and waved back, making Joy coo at her flustered face.

Joy pushed Alana out of her seat and slapped her butt, which made the younger female gasp, "Go talk with your husband, we'll see you backstage." Joy told her, laughing at the end. The girls stood up from their chairs and left Alana by herself.

She huffed and shook her head, "Idiots," she muttered under her breath and made her way to the boys, who watched the whole thing with confusion plastered on their faces.

Jimin nudged Jungkook and looked at him with a smirk, "Look who's coming," he said with a fond look, making Jungkook's eyes lit up with excitement. He stood up from his chair and took her into her arms.

Alana giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, "It's good to see you, Kook!" she chirped with a soft smile. He returned the smile and put his hand on her back, leading the way to meet the rest of the members. Her stomach fluttered with excitement as the pair walked over to their seats.

Taehyung quickly took her into his arms, twirling her around, completely ignoring the cameras around him, "I've missed you, Aila." he whispered into her ear, making shivers down her spine. She put her hands on his back and smiled, "Missed you too, darling." she breathed out with a genuine smile.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the pair and made gagging noises, "Just kiss already, oh my god!" he cringed, making the others laugh. Alana shyly walked over to the rest of the members while giggling.

The boys stood up from their chairs and bowed at the female, introducing themselves. She returned the gesture with a big smile, "It's finally nice to meet you all! Taehyung and Jungkook told me so much about you! And congratulations on your first daesag, you guys deserve it!" Alana bubbled, taking a seat beside Taehyung who had his hand on her lower back.

"We still can't believe it!" Jin told the younger female with amazement.

"We never thought we would win anything tonight if I'm being honest," Namjoon admitted, making Alana frown, "You guys are hard-working and talented people, it's definitely well deserved."

Namjoon gave her a dimpled smile, "Thank you, Alana."

They spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other and later exchanged numbers, forgetting that the girls were backstage waiting for her.

"Oh I see, Alana has completely forgotten about us," Irene grumbled at her stylist, who was fixing her makeup.

Wendy chuckled and shook her head, "You're being dramatic, Irene." she told her leader while looking at her with a funny look.

" she told her leader while looking at her with a funny look

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-ˏˋ [ ‧₊° ── BLACKPINK ] ˊˎ-

ALANA TIPTOED BEHIND CHAEYOUNG, a cheeky grin plastered on her face as the girls watched the younger female trying to scare the redhead. Lisa's eyes lit up when she made eye contact with her but soon faded as Alana put a finger on her mouth signalling them to be quiet.

Jennie chuckled under her breath, "What were you saying, Chae?" she asked the Australian with confused eyes, trying to distract her. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and repeated what she said earlier.

"I was telling you about-" as she was about to explain, Chaeyoung screamed when Alana tickled her sides. Jisoo burst out laughing and held onto Lisa, who was dying of laughter.

Chaeyoung turned around, her wide eyes staring at Alana with surprise. She started to pout and hid her face on her neck, whining. "Why the hell would you do that? Don't scare me like that, Alli!"

Alana laughed, her chest vibrating, "I'm sorry, Chae." she apologized with a soothing voice and looked at the others, who was watching them with amusement. "You know staring is rude, girls!" she said in a playful tone.

Lisa giggled and hugged her senior, "I've missed you, Aia!"

"I've missed you too, Lalice!" she smiled softly at the maknae.

Jennie and Jisoo cleared their throats and looked at them with pointed looks, "And what are we? A sack of potatoes?" Jisoo huffed as the pair made their way to them.

Jennie nodded in agreement, "Where's our hug?" she said with a sad grimace, walking closer to Alana who still had Chaeyoung in her arms, "You'll get the hugs once you help me getting this child off me," Chaeyoung protested and clung onto her arm.

"No, she's mine!"

Jennie laughed and pushed her away, who looked at her with a hurt expression and hugged Lisa instead, who was still laughing.

"Man, I know my hugs are the best, but this girl needs space," Alana said with a gloomy sigh.

"Oh, shut up, Aila!" Jisoo shushed her and wrapped her arms around her, along with Jennie who held onto her arm, "We need a girls night. Call Irene and the others to meet up later in the waiting room!" Jennie eagerly told her with an excited grin.

Alana's smile grew bigger, "You're on!"

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