Lollies and Loki- CH42

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John Winchester swore, his boots pounding against the ground as he charged into the library, his fear a tight, hard knot in his chest. His eldest son's startled eyes met his as he burst through the doorway, and he had a moment to take in the tableau of destruction, shelves toppled over, books strewn haphazardly, patrons milled about with confused, dazed expressions on their faces, eyes unseeing, and Dean standing over a girl with wild curly hair and a bright green-and-golden bird the size of a macaw on her shoulder, while Sam was patting the opposite shoulder, before the girl and bird went flying across the room, a startled expression on the girl's face, into the arms of a humanoid monster with inhuman golden eyes that smiled mockingly at him.

He had his gun up, a bullet already flying through the air, aimed between its eyes, but the monster, the curly-haired child and the bird all disappeared, vanishing into thin air and leaving his bullet to bury harmlessly into the wall behind where it had been standing.

"Fuck," he swore to himself, furious that he hadn't reacted faster and already pitying the girl her likely fate as he rushed over to his boys. "What happened? Are you hurt?" He demanded.

"We're okay, dad," Dean rushed to reassure him, his young face pinched tight with upset, while Sam was still looking over to where the girl had disappeared, his brown eyes blown wide. Fuck. "The... the witch–" his son lowered his voice to whisper the word, still trying to protect his little brother from the truth of what their daddy did, the monsters that he fought, even though the secret was out at this point, "tried to..." Dean paused and swallowed, pointing to the remnants of a chair, twisted into itself, and John felt sick, unable to even imagine that happening to his son. "But then the girl... the one that just... vanished... with that guy, she– she saved us."

There was a note of bewilderment in his son's voice, true confusion in his eyes. Like his worldview had just been tilted off its axis.

"She saved you?" John asked, confused by Dean's explanation. "How could she save you?"

"She had magic," Sam said, suddenly, and John felt his face twist automatically in disgust. "She said she was born with it."

"Impossible!" John immediately barked out, glaring down at Sam as his mind flashed back to that night, to those sickening, sulfuric yellow eyes and that terrible, twisted smirk as dark blood dripped down into his innocent baby's mouth, forever leaving its evil taint behind.

"How do you know that?" Sam pushed, and John wondered if it was an accusation he was hearing in that young, piping voice, seeing in those large, brown eyes. "She was good, she saved us."

"You mark my words, boy," John said darkly, pushing away the discomfort he felt to give Sam a stern, forbidding look, "nothing good ever comes from the supernatural. Ever."


It wasn't necessarily the powerful demons that were the most troublesome ones, Gabriel thought irritably to himself, it was the clever ones. And this demon, with the backing of a coven of seven powerful demon-witches? This demon was clever. Which was annoying.

He swore as he tripped up another curse, setting it off. It felt like acid, melting through his vessel almost as fast he was regenerating the atoms that made up the building blocks of its cells. Ripping the curse to pieces with a slash of his hand that sent a layer of skin sloughing off like liquid as he did so, the curse dissipated around him with a loud hiss and the demon, a tar-black stain inside the demon-witch it was currently possessing, was beginning to appear quite nervous, even as magic charged up around its meat-suit's hands and Gabriel felt the dark blood magic soaked deep into the foundations of the house hum in response.

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