◦Fuck You◦

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Claire ◦P◦O◦V◦

Soooooo I know you guys are wondering why im with Trey…. Well Yn was right I was ready for them to break up so I can take him and make him mines.

Me: “ Trey…. Why did you grab Yn's waist like that? ” i.asked I was so jealous .

Trey: “ You really asking me that shit Claire!? ” he yelled.

Me: “ You still like her!? ” I yelled.

Trey: “ I love her… you know your fucked up for dating your bestfriend ex” he says.

Me: “ Your fucked up for going with me! ” I yelled.

Trey: “ Bitch stfu cuase you was happy when we broke up , if you wasnt a girl I'll beat yo ass” he says.

✧Yn .°P.°O.°V.°✧

Claire is wrong… I know thats my ex but still she wanted us to be broken up.

I explained to August about the whole situation and he understood where I was coming from.

Its been a week now ever since i saw my babies Jurayia & Juryia .

My mom been keeping them. So I get off the couch and saw August in the kitchen getting a gatorade.

Me: “  hey babe” I said.

August :“ hey ” he says in a low mo tone.

Me: “ Whats wrong? ” I ask him.

August :“ look im not in da mood to talk , ya heard meh? ” he says

Me: “ Nah talk August… cause im not bout to put up with yo bull” I say.

August :*chuckles *“ what part you didnt understand Yn? I dont wanna talk about and I'm not Trey… so stop talking to me like im yo fuckin son” he says and just walks out.

Oooooohhh im just like “ Fuck you” right now.

I sit on the island and just try to figure out what could be wrong with him .

End of chapter I know its kane but ayeee

What could be wrong with August?

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