Chapter 68- Brotherly habits

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A/n: Pidge gets hurt and sick and Keith is there to watch over her, keep her safe and care for her like a big brother.

Everything was a blur. One minute everything was fine then the next pidge was yelling out in pain. She had been stabbed by some sort of weapon that was now lodged in her side. Keith sliced through the many galra as he could, trying to make his way towards Pidge. Luckily for Keith, Hunk got there first and gently picked Pidge up in his arms. He carried her far off towards the yellow lion as the others continued to finish their battles.

Once things calmed down and all seemed to be alright, Keith felt like he could finally breathe.

Pidge was safe in the pod healing while the others where taking off their armor and showering. But Keith remained, something just felt off to him, he couldn't put his finger on it, couldn't tell what was it but he knew somewhere deep inside that something wasn't okay and he had to be there for Pidge.

"Keith...hey Keith" called Lance as he walked into the med bay. What he saw was Keith standing before the pod, keeping a close eye on Pidge inside. Lance slowly moved forward and placed his hand upon Keith's shoulder, causing his to jump at the touch.

"Whoa sorry! I just...I just wanted to let you know that I'll watch her while you get umm...cleaned up" Lance said and when Keith raised his eyebrow, Lance pointed to his armor that was cover in dirt, blood and god knows what else. Keith glanced back over at the pod for one more second before he sighed and nodded his head.

"Thanks Lance" whispered Keith as he slowly walked passed Lance. Lance could see that Keith was dead on his feet and he could also see in Keith's eyes that he was feeling guilty for this whole mess with Pidge.

Minutes passed by before a loud beeping went off, scaring Lance half to death for he wasn't expecting anything to be going off or anything to be going wrong with Pidge. The others quickly began to rush into the room and Lance stood back as he watched Coran read the data pad and he could see a frown forming upon his face. The loud beeping hadn't stopped yet and Lance wondered if Keith could hear it all the way in the showers.

He thought was answered when Keith came rushing into the med bay with a towel wrapped around his shoulders.

"What's going on?!?" yelled Keith as he rushed over and stood beside Lance and Shiro.

"We don't know yet" said Shiro and Lance could see Keith shot his a look full of worry before he stepped forward.

The loud beeping suddenly ended and all of their ears could have a break from the loud noise.

"What's going on?" asked Hunk who was ringing his hands together, showing his nervous side. Lance moved over towards his best friend and placed his arm around his shoulders to let Hunk know that he was there for him. Hunk sighed and everyone looked over at Keith who was standing before the pod with one hand upon the glass.

"I knew something was wrong, I knew" Keith muttered to himself but everyone heard it and felt sad for the red paladin.

"It appears that the weapon used upon number 5 was laced with something, something that has made her human DNA react poorly towards. As you would put it, she has a space flu" said Coran and everyone just wanted to wrap Pidge up and to make her feel better.

The pod began to beep and Pidge began to tumble out but Keith caught her before her body could even think about falling down. Keith quickly picked up her small, weak body and walked over towards one of the beds and laid Pidge down upon it. He slowly brought the sheet up over her body and then brushed her bangs out of her face. He sat down beside the bed in a chair and then looked over at the others.

"I'll take first watch" said Keith who looked back over at Pidge.

"Keith-" began Shiro but was cut off.

"I said I got first watch" said Keith with a bit of anger within his tone of voice. 
Hunk wanted to protest and say that he needed to eat something like the others had but he just didn't want to upset Keith anymore than he already was.

Coran walked over and placed an IV into the back of her hand and gently laid the bandage over top of it, with a small frown upon his face, for this was the first time any of them had ever been sick and he felt bad that it was poor little number 5. Everyone one by one slowly began to leave the med bay. The only two remaining inside were Pidge and Keith.


Hours passed and Lance made his way towards the med bay to check up on his friends. His gut was telling him that something was off but he just didn't know what until he walked into the med bay.

Pidge was leaning over the side of the bed throwing up into a trash can while Keith rubbed her back. Once Pidge flopped herself down upon that bed, her eyes closed and that's when Keith began to apologize to Pidge.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I'm sorry. I should have been keeping a better look at our surroundings. I should have noticed, I should have been better. I'm sorry Pidge. I'm sorry. I failed you and the team..."

"No you didn't" said Lance making Keith look quickly up and brush the tears from his face. "You didn't fail any of us. You saved me on the field twice man. You can't protect everyone man, it's not your fault'' Lance said to Keith and walked over and stood next to him. He placed his hand upon Keith's shoulder and looked down at Pidge.

She began to moan and before Lance could move to do anything, Keith was hushing her and she slowly calmed back down.

"Your watch is over if you-" began Lance but saw Keith shaking his head 'no'. So Lance smiled and said okay to Keith.

Lance walked over towards the couch and sat down with his tablet and began to play this game Pidge had managed to get on there. He quickly glanced over and saw Keith's eyes closed as he had fallen asleep.  Lance went back to his tablet. 

A few minutes to almost an hour went by with nothing happening, then Pidge began to toss and turn in her sleep and moan and Lance stood up to go to her but Keith surprised him. He began to comfort her while he was still half asleep.

"Shhhh" he said with his eyes closed. Lance smiled for he knew what this was, it was brotherly habits. Lance knew what this was for he has done it himself, growing up with a big family and sharing rooms will do that to you but he wondered how Keith picked this up being an only child.

"Hey Keith?" said Lance.

"Mhm" said Keith as his eyes slowly began to flutter open and he turned into Lance's direction.

"How do you know how to do that?" questioned Lance and Keith looked up at him with such a confused look, for one he was still half asleep and two he had no idea what Lance was talking about.

"How did you calm her down while you were asleep, you're an only child" said Lance, "I have brotherly habits cause of my family but you..."

"Oh'' said Keith at first and Lance thought he made a mistake asking him this question, he thought he was angry by it but he wasn't.

"Growing up in so many foster homes will do that to you, especially when you're the oldest and is sharing a room with a younger kid. It became second nature to me when I shared a room with kids who would have nightmares after nightmares about their parents, you know, beating them up. I didn't even realized I was doing it now, sorry'' said Keith.

Lance quickly rushed in the tell him he had nothing to be sorry for but when he looked over at Keith, hewas already fast asleep, sitting by Pidge's bedside. Lance walked over grabbed a blanket and tossed it over Keith's sleeping body.

"Night Keith" whispered Lance as he lowered the lights in the med bay down and went back to his tablet. A piece of him never taking his eyes off the two and a smile for he had learned something else about Keith that he didn't know, that shinned him in a different light.

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