Chapter 45- Once the dust settles

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A/N: Ahhh So season 6 for me was freaking fantastic!!! It by far is my favorite season!! We got so much!!! And with the new season came new fic ideas! So hope y'all enjoy! :)

-This is basically the next part right after season 6 ended. 



"We're going home" Keith said as he looked out at the stars. 

After a few moments, everyone began to lay around and relax. Shiro was fast asleep but who could blame him, he was just dead and then suddenly placed inside his clone's body with Allura's magic. Pidge was busy working on her laptop while Hunk was going on and on with Coran and Allura about all the different things on Earth and talking about his family.

Keith had moved off into the distance, sitting in between both The Red and Black Lion as his violet eyes stared off into the distance. He finally released a gasp of breath that he hadn't realized that he had been holding this whole time.

Everything happened so quickly, he seemed to have forgotten to breathe and take a moment. But he didn't have a moment, with finding Romelle and discovering the truth behind Lotor. To discovering that something was wrong with Shiro, to finding his Shiro in The Black Lion's mind and him being dead this whole time and Keith hadn't realized it. To fighting the clone, to almost dying, saving said clone and then joining his team to battle Lotor along with destroying the castle which had become a home to many of them. So much had happened and at this very moment while everyone was gathered together relaxing and safe, it all seemed to come crashing down upon Keith. Everything that happened hit him with a ton of weight and he felt a tightness inside his chest.

Yes, he was happy that everyone was okay. Yes, he was over the moon that his Shiro was here and alive again. Yes, he was glad to have the alone time with his mother those two years when it had only been a few months for the others. Yes, he was grateful that everyone was alive and okay but he couldn't stop the feeling of being out of place, that he couldn't really touch happiness like the others could.

Keith could hear the ground of this planet crunch behind him. Keith glanced slightly over his shoulder to Lance making his way over towards him, Keith let out a small sigh and glanced back up at the stars. 

"Hey man," said Lance as he stood behind Keith. Keith made no movement or response to him, causing Lance to sigh and lower his head as he made his way to sit beside him. They sat next to one another in silence for quite some time before anything happened.

Lance heard a small sniffle and glanced over at Keith to see his shoulders slightly shaking, his breathing fast as he quickly blinked the tears that were threatening to spill out at this very moment. He could tell that Keith was trying very hard to keep it all together and to stay strong but he was failing very quickly before Lance's eyes.

"Keith?" questioned Lance but Keith just shut his eyes tightly and shook his head. He sniffled again and now brought his knees up and into his chest. Keith wrapped his arms tightly around his legs as everything was crashing down upon him, causing his whole body to shake now and for the tears he held back for so long to finally spill out. 

Suddenly, Keith jumped when a hand was laid upon his shaking shoulder. He looked over at Lance with tears in his eyes to meet Lance's ocean blue eyes slightly watery and filled with concern. Keith drew in a quick shuttering gasp before everything broke, allowing all the emotions to flood through his now down walls. Keith leaned in closer towards Lance and Lance wasted no time pulling Keith into his arms. Keith's shaky arms wrapped behind Lance, his hands gripping tightly onto Lance's armor. Lance could feel Keith whole self shaking and the quick, wet breath hitting his skin. Lance squeezed him tighter and buried his face into Keith's soft midnight hair.

Keith Kogane-VLD (Voltron Legendary Defender) one shots, shortsWhere stories live. Discover now