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A/N: I will never own this anime or manga,though I wish I did. This chapter is dedicated to DanicaCate and KaylaMeyer086. Thx for commenting and voting!


"I'm never going back!" (I know that it's not the exact words she says)

-Present-Yuki's POV:

I was surprised when I heard those words come out of her mouth. MY sister not wanting to go back to Japan and not wanting to see her other Sohmas in our family? Impossible! She didn't want to leave in the first place! Akito made her leave! Though he told us Celestia left us,I knew the truth. Because Onee-chan loved us,and Japan! She only left when she had business in other countries! I knew something was up because one time after she left, I was being called to the main house by Akito, where I heard them video-chatting.


"Akito! Please just listen to me! I want to-"Celestia was cut off by Akito"I don't care what you want! I'M supposed to be the head of the family,not you! Whenever you where nice to them,they started to look up to you and only respond to what you wanted and said! Now that you're gone,they are finally listening to me again! You will STAY in America and only come to Japan on business! If you HAVE to come to Japan,then you will stay clear of all Sohmas and not contact them! Is that CLEAR????" "Yes,but I wish that I could at least have contact with Akira and Yuki! Please!"she responded. "No! That will only tell them that you didn't want to leave!" "Ok. Goodbye Akito. I love you Onii-San!" "Love you to. Bye."


That's how I knew she didn't want to leave.

----Celestia's POV------

I saw Yuki's upset face and I immediately felt guilty for lying to them,especially for lying to Kyo. I'm the only one that understands him and his pain! Momiji is hugging me to death,while Kyo,Yuki,Hatori,and Hatsaharu are staring at me. Great. "Why the hell (sorry if you don't like cussing,but it will happen cause of Kyo.) not?" Kyo shouts at me. "Because if i did,Akito will be upset since I told him I was coming here. And I don't have his permission to go back, therefore I won't." I replied. "Well,now I'm giving you permission." Says a voice from behind my relatives. They turn around and I see my twin brother,Akito. "Akito!" I say,startled, and bowing before giving him a hug. "How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!" He chuckles."I'm alright. We have been eager for you to return to Japan. So would you mind coming back?(Akito has a soft spot for his little twin😄)" "Sure,nii-san!" ( in the background, everyone except Hatori is on the ground saying "that's all it took?" (OHSHC moment))

Then all of the sudden I hear "Tia-San,Tia-san! You wanna know something about Kyo while you were gone?" From a certain blond-haired bunny. "Sure,what is it Momiji?" I reply. "Well,while you where gone, Kyo went to train in the mountains ("again?"You ask) and when he came back,he revealed the you-know-what to and outsider and was super deppresed,'cause he missed you soooo much!" He explained. "Awwww,that's adorable! Thx for caring so much Kyo!" I beam. Then, I hear "whaaaa,Kyo's hitting me"  and I looked at them,and they pause looking at me,with scared looks on their faces as I give them (The Shadow King's) death glare. "Shut up and be quiet! (she also kind of has a black side. When she's like that,she's worse than when Kagura has a mood swing for Kyo and gets violent. She's so scary,she scares Akito,and the expressionless Hatori(making him have an actual expression of horror) *le gasp*) And put poor little Momiji down before I throw you to Africa,Kyo!" When I say that,Kyo immediately put Momiji down. As soon is I stop glaring, I am hugged by no other than...(guess who)
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd,sorry folks but that's a wrap (and a cliffhanger) I know, I'm cruel. My finger are tired of typing and I want to read my precious Death the Kid x OC (or reader) fanfictions. Vote,comment,be happy,and most importantly,plz wait patiently for the next chapters. Stay awesome my dear readers and peace out!

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