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"I don't want to get married mom."

I twisted the brand new ring on my index finger. Not that it wasn't gorgeous. Everything about it was absolutely perfect. From the giant diamond on top to the silver wrap around.

But... did I really want to get married? I had always thought Ryder was the stuck up bad boy.

His parents are probably just making him do this.

The way he did it was totally sweet though. He had lit candles with rose petals surrounding a cliff side with gentle waves caressing the peachy sunset. That proposal was perfect..

But should I judge him from one proposal?

However, Mabye I was a little hypocritical since I did accept the offer. It was for my baby.

Ryder's mom was convinced that I should pick my wedding dress fast before I gained to much baby weight which I agreed with. My dress was gorgeous, way to gorgeous for a private wedding.

I couldn't imagine not wearing it with my friends not around.

"Stupid baby hormones." I muttered as tears came to my eyes.

Two hours later, I was put in the wedding dress after getting my hair expertly done, and makeup. It fit perfectly, and felt like the most beautiful, comfortable thing I had ever worn.

The heels were a different story. They KILLED. I had to restrain from throwing them across the room.

"Bella, you look amazing!" This was Ryder's mom. A longing for my own mother came over me in waves.

Telling her had been a nightmare. She screamed at me, crying and saying that I betrayed her. Than, she kicked me out onto the street. Had Ryder not been coming to my house anyways, I would have been out there for ages.


Stop crying Bella. This is supposed to be a happy day.

If it's so happy, why am I being married to a stranger?

I had to admit my luck thought. Ryder was super kind to stick with me through this, considering there were millions of teen moms abandoned by their baby daddy's.

So I sucked in a breath, and marched down the isle.

As soon as I got to the front, everyone besides me and Ryder were sniveling.

I listened to the words, wondering how they would have mattered to me if it was someone else I was getting married to.

Hey, he is SUPER handsome in his tux .

If jerks can be handsome.

What has he ever done to you?!

My inner self seemed at war, one side liking him and one side hating him. But I couldn't think oh that long before the priest said, "you may kiss the bride."

Ryder's hand wound around my waist gently, pulling towards him and in a dip as his lips met mine.

Oh my holy stars...

Fireworks exploded at that kiss, sending goosebumps up my spine. My hands wove around his head, pulling him closer, wanting more...

Until we pulled away to smile at the crowd. He watched me closely, sizing me up.

But that kiss...

I pretended not to feel his gaze and blush, waving at the crowd.

How embarrassing for me. People congratulate us on our happy marriage, even though it is just close family members. On the newlywed dance, Ryder pulls me so close I can smell the expensive cologne on him.

Hmmm. Smells as good as he looks.

Stop that!

"You look stunning." My heart skips a beat.

"Not to bad yourself.." I say.

He grins, then starts to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I think that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me."

I grin, thinking about all of the other times I spoke to him. Most ended in me yelling.

"Sorry to interrupt." His mother, Penelope says. She smiles at us getting along.

"The mansion is not yet ready for you two. So I set up and amazing honeymoon in Greece."

Honeymoon?! I choked on my spit.

"Honeymoon?" Ryder voiced my thoughts.

Penelope smiles hesitantly. "It will be beautiful. You will wish you never could come back."

"Mother, you do realize this marriage is fake right?"

"Fake?! Thanks Ryder."

I storm off. Right when I was warming up to him he goes and messes it all up.

"Come on Bella. I didn't mean that.."

"Please! You just basically said that you would never want to for real marry me in front of everyone!"

"I didn't-"

"You were about to. Everyone can read between the lines Ryder."

I put my hand to my forehead. I have a headache and I feel sick to my stomach. Even though he is cute he still is a jerk.


"I don't want to hear it Ryder!! Just leave me alone."

And with that, I storm inside the temple.


I should have known he wouldn't come after me. After I have cried until I can't no more, I see that it's nearly 2:00 AM.

Are you freaking kidding me?!

I feel so forgotten, so hurt by him that I don't know what to do. And what's worse is that I put myself in this mess.

Finally when I thought he was really going to leave me in there the whole night, the doors opened. Ryder walked out looking extremely guilty.

"Bella... look I'm sorry. I always mess things up, and I don't know what to do."

I watched him, surprised when his eyes start to moisten.

"The truth is, I felt so bad when I said that. Your not a fake marriage. I get so nervous around you, all the time from when I first saw you at the party, it's unbelievable to think a guy like me ended up with someone as amazing as you."

I think everything inside me at that point broke apart. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's no- not llike ttthat Ryder."

I said, sniffing.

"Everyone I haaave is ggone, and d- ont want me, andd I can't do aanything about it."

He watched me, and then pulled me in, rubbing his hands on my hair and over my dress.

"I'm not gone."

That one whisper made me look up, and see someone completely different. And that's when I kissed Ryder wood. Hard.

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