Chapter 2

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"Uhhh" I groan as I get up and turn my alarm clock off.

"TIME FOR SCHOOL!" my mom shouts from her room.

"I know mom!" I shout back.


I go to my closet and pick out some red skinny jeans, a black and white, polka-dotted, flowy shirt to match, and tan "UGG" boots.

I go to my dresser to fix my hair. I decide to curl it in big, loose curls. Next, I use very light shades of  red eye shadow and lip gloss to match my outfit and my blue eyes. I also add gold earrings and braclets to complete the outfit.

After I'm finished getting dressed and ready, I go downstairs to eat breakfast. I don't have much time to eat, so I grad a granola bar and eat it on the way to my bus stop.


I wait about 5 minutes until the bus gets there. I immediatley get on, and find my spot next to Anna.

"Hey, Annna Banana!" I say, laughing as I sit down next to her.

"Haha. Hey Em." she says.

We talk the whole way there, constantly laughing and smiling.


The whole day goes by fast and the pictures turned out pretty well. That is, until 12:38. Luckily, we took our pictures in the morning, so at lunch break (12:00) I decide to go home and stay home for the rest of the day.

"hey," I text Anna.

"Hey emm. Where are u? i cant find u ANYWHERE!!! lol," she replies.

"oh. haha. im actually gonna go home for the rest of the day, i dont feel so well." I lie. I hate lying but i just don't want to talk about it. Not now.

"Okay! I hope you feel better! I'll txt ya after skool!!!!" She says.


When I get home, I go in my backyard and sit down by my dad's favorite tree and read a book. I think about how my dad LOVED this tree and I begin to cry.

If i could just turn back to time to see him. See my famiky, together and happy. I would. I would do ANYTHING! But I can't. So I  go back inside and lay on my bed.


At exactly 3:00 (time we get out of school) Anna texts me.

"hey girrrl... feel any better?" It says.

"ehhh, a lil. not much :/ " I reply.

"Ok. I'll leave u alone to rest. Just thought i'd check up on u!"

"Ok! thx ur the best, Anna!!!!" I say as I put my phone down.

"bye!" I read.


After a while, I go up in my room and watch "The Proposal" in my bed. I fall asleep after about 10 minutes of watching it!

I take about a 2 hour nap and my mom later comes home around 5.


"Emily!"  "Emily?!!" I hear my mom call as she wakes me up.

"WHAT?!" I call back, annoyed that she woke me up from my amazing dream.

I dreamt that my family was together again and that my dad was still with us. I'm thinking about it again when my mom calls again.

"Come downstairs., Emily!" My mom calls.

"Ughhh. Why?" I say, yawning.

"I, uhh, I have news for you." she says, soundung worried.

"Ok." I say as I get out of bed.


"Yes?" I say as I see my mom in the kitchen.

"Oh. Hi Emily." She says.

"Uhh. Hi? What did you want to tell me?" I ask.

"Well, since its been about 10 years since your father 'passed away'," she says, really EMPHASIZING 'passed away'.

"Yeah..." I say, tears collecting in my eyes.

"Well, now that your older, I want to te you the truth."

"What? What do you mean TRUTH?" I ask, kind of worried.

"Like, what actually happened." She replies.

"Right," I say.

She takes a deep breath. "Ok. So your dad, well, he never actually umm..." she trails off.

"He never actually? What? What did he never 'actually' do?" I say getting frustrated. "TELL ME." I demand.

"Uhh... died. He never atually died." She says and starts crying.

"Wait... what?" I say quietly. "Yeah he did. He did. He died. Ok? What do you mean by 'he didnt die?' Because he did. He's been dead for 10 years. You can't just change the story!" I say, now getting mad, frustrated and confused.

"Well, he, uhhh," She starts, "ran away." She says between tears.

"NO. No he didn't run away! He died." I say as if it's not possible for him to have run away.

"I'm sorry Em. I wish I told you truth earlier." She says, really sounding like she's sorry.

"Then why wouldn't you? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask as I stomp up the stairs and slam my bedroom door as hard as I can.

"EMM!" My mom shouts, or more like screams.

I don't answer. I don't feel the need to.

I lay down on my bed and soon fall asleep.


I wake up around 1 a.m. from a nightmere. I'm fully rested, considering the fact that I fell asleep around 6:30!

I look around and realize that I'm quite hungry, so I throw my hair into a quick ponytail and go downstairs to raid the fridge. 

My mom is downstairs, asleep on the couch. I'm still angry at her, but I wish that I was more kind and understanding because she probably lied to me in the first place so I wouldn't think that my dad didn't love me.

And then I wonder... Did he?

Oh well, it doesn't matter now anyways. I grab a banana and strawberry yogurt and then head up to my room to watch the rest of "The Proposal". 


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!! We will be upoading more soon! And comment what you think of Emily, Anna, Emily's mom, or her dad!!! THank you! :*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2012 ⏰

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