Life's Phase-2 (Adolescence)

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The age of Adolescence, the most interesting and typical to understandable age of life. At this age, a child grows up the next phase of life, where a child faces the major changes in his body, mood, and cognitive development. This change varies according to the early adolescence, middle adolescence, and late adolescence. A human being is living the imaginary world, firstly a person imagines things in their mind then work on it according to the desire and need.

The varies changes during their life phase make them worried about proceeding in life. Most of the time a person feels unsatisfied and demotivated. He has to sacrifice the happening and constant change in life. The age of early adolescence has a trigger to start in the main journey of life, where a person delves into the responsibilities and life path.

Afterward, a human starts their middle adolescence where a person starts to adapt major changes with lots of doubt. The self-improvement begins in this phase as this time is to acquire the basic concepts of being an adult and start the social life in society. The feeling of shyness and to take care of privacy also emerges in this period. The physical appearance also a big concern of the worries among the teenagers who are in their middle adolescence. Most of the time feel uncomfortable when their physical appearance is noticed by others. They are unsatisfied because of the free lifestyle which they were living in in their early childhood. Moreover, they have the desire to make a new friend as the parent's love is not enough for them. The teenager id not satisfied only with the parent's love and affection.

The problem begins when the teenager starts to analysis the inner experiences due to strong hormonal changes in their bodies. The desire to have the romance with the opposite sexes also make them embarrassed. Some of the aggressive energies also a big deal for the parents to manage them properly. These changes make an effect on both ends for parents as well as teenagers. Sometimes the conflicts arise between the child and parents when the mistakes are done by teenagers due to aggressive energies it might be some sexual desires and other negative energies. These situations are always challenging for parents when they are nurturing their children. However, parents provide the best to take care of the child when they are upbringing their children. But the gap always arises between parents and children when a teenager is in middle adolescence. Therefore, a teenager starts to share their feelings with other peer groups rather than their parents. The story is not ending here the other interesting and unmeasurable feelings, emotions, and energies of a teenager are in the next chapters of the book.

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