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"God, I'm so happy you're back." Caroline exclaimed excitedly as she pulled Tyler on top of her, and pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss. She needed to feel the heat between the two of them, the desire. She needed to get her mind off of Rebekah.

Curling her fingers around his neck, she pulled him as close to her as possible and devoured his lips. She wanted to drown in him, to feel his warmth and scent surround her, to taste him, but it wasn't working. When he had shown up, she had been beyond excited to see him at her door. She thought that his presence would return everything back to the way it was prior to Rebekah coming on to her. That his return would spark the fire inside of her that once burned for only him.

It hadn't.

The way that his lips moved against hers felt awkward to her. He did not speak to her. His movements were rushed and the way that his skin felt against hers was uncomfortable.

Caroline hated herself for being incapable of getting into the heat of the moment with her own boyfriend. It was horrible of her. She was a terrible person. Making love to Tyler should have been easy, but all that she could think about was Rebekah.

Closing her eyes she drifted away into her imagination, allowing her mind to wander to the place that it always seemed to want to go as of late. She imagined that it was Rebekah's full pouty lips that were moving down her neck toward her collarbone. That it was her thin feminine fingers moving beneath her shirt toward her breasts. And, that she was whispering teasingly against her ear in her sensual accented voice.

"Mmm…" Caroline moaned, arching her back off of the bed in order to get more contact with the hand that was touching her.

Just as Tyler reached his destination, Caroline took in a quick breath and softly whimpered out, "Rebekah."

His hand halted and she closed her eyes tighter, internally berating herself for being so stupid. 'Maybe he didn't hear me… Of course he heard me! He's a freaking Hybrid! Fuck, fuck, fuck!'

Tyler pulled away from her and stared down at his girlfriend with angry eyes and a clenched jaw. He knew what he heard, he just didn't understand it. "What the hell did you just say?"

Caroline opened her eyes to see exactly what she had expected to see. Tyler was staring at her, and he looked furious. Sitting up on her elbows she tried to talk her way out of the situation. "I-uh—I didn't say anything, Tyler." She forced a smile.

"Yeah, you did. You said Rebekah." He moved to sit up on his knees in order to put some distance between the two of them. Caroline followed his movement though and brought them close together again.

"No, I didn't say anything!" She dismissed.

"Yeah you did, Caroline! Stop trying to deny it! I heard you clear as day. Super-hearing, remember?" He asked spitefully.

Caroline sighed loudly and shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, yeah, maybe I did say something, but even if I did, it's not what you're thinking."

"Then what is it?" Tyler expected a good explanation for why his girlfriend would call out someone else's name on the night that they were finally reunited. Especially considering that the person's name she called out was Rebekah's.

"She's just been harassing me a lot lately and I guess that I was thinking about her on accident. She just, ah!" Caroline groaned out. "She just frustrates me to no end! She's been hitting on me a lot and being all stalker-ish and creepy and stuff." She reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his cheek and offered him a small smile. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been thinking about her while we were preoccupied."

With a suggestive waggle of her eyebrows, Caroline moved toward her boyfriend and captured his lips in a heated kiss.

Tyler pulled away from the kiss and glared at her.

The Vampire Diaries: RebekahxCarolineWhere stories live. Discover now