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Love and hate sounded like the same words to Namjoon.

His family situation hadn't been the best for awhile, or really there at all. When he was a boy his mother and father treated him as a god, they gave him everything a child could even think of wanting. Until his ninth birthday, that's where everything started to go down hill. He was aware that he would be getting a little brother soon but he didn't anticipate the delivery to fall on his birthday.

Namjoon loved his little brother, who they named Changbin. It turned out that everyone loved Changbin. He was so much better than Namjoon could ever seem to them, smarter, more attractive, more talented. That's exactly why his parents left him, he thinks. Why they left him to fend for himself. While they were gushing over his little brother the older one sat in the attic (it was now his bedroom after his old one was turned into Changbin's) with no one to comfort him. He was alone.

Love and hate were the same word to Namjoon.

He was never good at dealing with people for reasons made evident by the way he was treated at home. September 12 was a day he grew to resent. The lavish gifts he was once promised now belonged to the little brat whom he shared a house with. September 12 was also the day he transferred from the same prestigious academy he had been attending for the first two years of highschool to the one for troubled teens because according to the principal he was "far to violent".

September 12 was also the first time he ment Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and the rest of what would soon become known as the schools famous "Bulletproof Boys." A group of seven friends linked by nothing but a craving for someone to call family. That's what Namjoon got from them, people who actually cared. They spent every minute they could manage together, and soon September 12 once again became Namjoon's favorite.

Love and hate were the reason Namjoon left.

The day they all graduated they went their separate ways but promised to keep in touch and be more close then they ever had. Promises are hard to keep, they are meant to be broken. The seven of them never talked again. So, he had no reason to stay in Korea, he saved up and left as fast as he could.

His life in Tokyo has melincolly at best. Nothing special happened, the most exciting being a tip he got that was over five dollars. Not that he could complain, even if there was nothing to be happy about there wasn't anything to be sad about either. He had a job, even if it was waiting on pretentious snobs, and a roof over his head. Sometimes though, you need a change.

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